
发布时间:2022-06-14 11:48:33 阅读:369 点赞:0




Hello, bill, I'm very glad to hear fm you. I know that you have won the scholarship of Yale University, which is a great achiment of yo contbution to you. But at the same time, I think it is yo hard work and persistence that make you succeed becse you have been working hard.

On the way to yo dream, I hope you can persist and make greater pgress in yo study. I beli you can do it Here we are. I'm glad to receive yo next good news and I look forward to yo news.




When you see a cute puppy or a cute baby, you scream, "I'm going to eat you." or you can't but pinch yo granddghter's lovely cheek. You're not the only new study to find that strange aggressive responses to cute are actually normal, researchers at the annual meeting of the society of personality and social psycholo on Fday (January 1), Not only do people use phrases like "I just want to squeeze something" to express these aggressive desires, they actually put them into action. Researchers found that people who watched the slide of cute pictes will emerge foam researcher Rebecca Dale (Rebecca).

Dyer, a graduate student in psycholo at Yale University, said: "we think it's a highly positive effect, a pximity oentation, and a sense of being out of contl," you know, you can't stand it, you can't handle this kind of thing, "she told LiveScience that people should want to be gentle with one lovely thing: the world's most adorable wildlife baby And, Dale said, people don't really want to ht a basket of kittens when they see their fluffy balls lling over each other. "You have to worry about research," she says, but something strange seems to be happening, so Dale and her co-thor, Aanna Aragon, a graduate student at Yale University, first conducted an expement to look at cute ones Whether aggressiveness is really a phenomenon, they recruit participants to watch cute photos on the Internet, interesting or neutral animals, cute animals may be fry dogs, interesting animals may be dogs with their heads out of the window, and neutral animals may be elderly dogs with seous expressions when their chin slaps, for example, in addition to the extent to which they feel that the photos make them lose contl, such as If they agreed with statements like "I can't handle it," participants also rated the extent to which the picte made them "want to say something like GRR" and "want to squeeze something.".


当你看到一只可爱小狗或可爱婴儿时,你会尖叫,“我要把你吃掉”或者你会忍不住想要掐一下你孙女可爱脸颊你不是唯一一个新研究发现,对可爱奇怪攻击反应实际上是一种常态,周五(xx月1)在人格与社会心理学学会年会上,研究人员发现,人们不仅用诸如“我只是想挤点东西”之类短语来表达这些攻击,他们还真把它们付诸行动。研究人员发现,观看可爱图片幻灯片人会冒出更多泡沫研究人员丽贝卡·戴尔(Rebecca Dyer)是耶鲁大学心理学专业研究生,她说:“我们认为这是一种高度积极效果,一种接近取向,以及一种失控感觉,”你知道,你受不了,你无法处理,这种事情“,她告诉LiveScience,人们应该想温柔地对待一个可爱东西:世界上最可爱野生动物宝宝,而且,代尔说,当人们看到一篮子小猫毛绒球互相翻时,他们并不是真想伤害一篮子小猫“你必须担心研究,”她说,但是一些奇怪事情似乎正在发生,所以戴尔和她合著者,耶鲁大学研究生奥莉安娜·贡,首先进行了一项实验,看看可爱攻击是否真是一种现象,他们在网上招募参与者观看可爱照片,有趣或中动物可爱动物可能是毛茸茸小狗,而有趣动物可能是头伸出车窗狗,下巴拍打中动物可能是表情严肃年长狗,例如,除了他们觉得照片让他们失去控制程度外,如果他们同意“我无法处理”之类陈述,参与者还对图片让他们“想说‘grr’之类话”和“想挤东西”程度进行了评分。


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