
发布时间:2022-08-30 07:54:30 阅读:282 点赞:0


关于”银行柜员自我介绍“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Bank teller's self intduction。以下是关于银行柜员自我介绍六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Bank teller's self intduction

One day, a little old lady came into the Bank of Canada with a bag of money. She insisted that she had to talk to the bank president about opening a savings account becse "it's a lot of money." after a lot of ists and tns, the bank staff finally bught her into the president's Office (the customer is always ght. The bank president asked her how much money she wanted to deposit, she replied, $, and then she put it in her bag The cash was poed on his desk.

The president, of cose, was cious about how she got the cash, so he asked her, "madam, I'm spsed you're carrying so much money nd. Where did you get it?" The old lady replied, "I bet"; "the president then asked," what kind of bet do you want? "" well, for example, I'll bet yo ball is square. "" ha, "the president said with a ile," that's a fool.

"You'll nr win this bet," the old lady asked, "so, would you like to take my bet?" "Of cose," the president said, "I'll bet my ball is not square." The little old lady went on, "OK, but since it involves a lot of money, can I bng my lawyer tomorw? As a witness? "Of cose," replied the confident president. That night, the president was very nervous about gambling. He spent a long time checking his ball in fnt of the r, tning fm side to side.

He carefully checked it again and again until he was se that his ball could nr be square, and he would say exactly the next morning: in the morning, the little old lady appeared in the president's office with her lawyer, and she intduced the lawyer to The president, then repeated the bet: "the dollar says the president's ball is square." The president agreed to the bet again, and the old lady told him to take off his tusers so that they could all wear them.





Shoemaker and banker lafontane a shoemaker was singing fm morning till night. He was happy to see him, and to hear him speak, he was satiied with his shoes than any of his sn sages neighbors. On the contrary, he became ch, rarely sang and slept less.

He was a banker who happened to fall asleep. At daybreak, the cobbler woke him up with a song. The banker complained bitterly that God did not regard sleep as a commodity for sale, like food or dnk.

Finally, he sent for the singer, and he said to him, "how much do you make a year, Mr. Gregory," "how much a year, sir?" The happy shoemaker said with a ile, "I calculate that I live day after day. Somehow, I mad to bng its meals ry day by the end of the year." so, how much do you make a day, my fend? "" sometimes , sometimes less, but the worst thing is, without these, o income will be tolerable, for sral days in a year "The banker lghed at his simplicity and said," in the fute I'll put you on top of the dred cwns, don't get them, save them carefully, and use them when necessary.

" The shoemaker thought he had seen all the wealth that the earth had pduced for use in the past centy. When people came home, he bied money and happiness at the same time. He stopped singing.

He lost his voice. When he got the ot of so much pain, he left his house and be to care, dou and false alarm. All day long, his eyes were on the side of the trease At night, for the sake of some vagrant people, the cat makes a loud noise.

The cat is bbing him. At last, the poor man runs to his ch neighbor's house and says, "give me my back." he said, "sleep, my voice, take yo one dred cwns.".





My opinion on bank loan now, bank loan is a very popular way for us. Some people think that bank loans can reli o financial presse, but some people still have a contrary view. They think that this will only make people rely on bank loans instead of money for me.

I think bank loans are very convenient and important for us. When we need money in a short time, for example, when we have to go to the hospital, there is no money, so I The idea is that bank loans are good for people.




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