
发布时间:2022-07-29 16:02:50 阅读:358 点赞:0


关于”感谢信“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Thank you letter。以下是关于感谢信六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank you letter

Dear Mr. John, how are you doing in Beijing? I am wting this letter to thank you. Before you went to Beijing, you ed me with my oral English.

With yo , I have made rapid pgress and won the first place in the city's oral English competition. I owe my success to yo . Thank you very much.

I heard that yo wife is coming to my school. I'm glad to hear that, so that we can meet again. I'm looking forward to yo coming.

I'll give you a telescope as a all gift. I hope you will like it. Yos, Liu Jie.




Ten years ago, when I wte a letter of thanks to you in the University of Massachusetts English class, I knew how depressed yo gratitude was in the University of Massachusetts English class. You saw my hope. When I knew that there was only despair, you gave me new confidence.

I have wtten for so many years, thank you, but in my heart, I have thank you countless times, now I am I hope you know, my success, I enjoy this email, and I send you my la book, which sells well. I hope you will remember when you read it that without yo encoagement, this book will nr be yos, Charles g. Martin CET, the new confidence in yoself in the CET discount book save my despair and CET.




Gentlemen, this letter is to remind you that all goods must include a packing list indicating the goods in each shipment and indicating the pchase order number of the goods. According to this pcede, we will be able to receive yo goods quickly, thus speeding up the payment to you. We appreciate yo cooperation in this matter.




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