
发布时间:2022-07-22 15:12:43 阅读:363 点赞:0


关于”年轻人厌学“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Young people are tired of learning。以下是关于年轻人厌学六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Young people are tired of learning

Now TV PK pgrams are very popular in China, attracting many young people. Some young people n give up their studies to participate in these pgrams, hoping to become famous overnight. Some people think that these pgrams pvide opportunities for young people to show their talents, while others think that it is not good for young people to participate in these pgrams.

For me, I prefer the latter view. It should be admitted that young people like Li Yuc stand out in many PK pgrams, but this does not mean that participating in PK shows is a good success for young people The following reasons can support my view. Firstly, TV PK pgrams breed agitation and induce young people to psue fame and wealth at all costs.

Secondly, TV PK pgrams will subvert the values of young people. They think that participating in PK pgrams is a shortcut to success. Therefore, they may ntually despise the way to success thugh hard work.

If young people fail in these pgrams, they will not be able to do so, They will suffer fm psychological imbalance. Enteng TV PK pgram is not a good way for young people to succeed. I suggest that young people should think ice before deciding to participate in PK TV.




There are many things you should pay attention to first. Young people should also study hard. Then young people should eat all kinds of food.

They should establish self-confidence and positive attitude towards life. Young people should try not to use too much Internet becse it will ntually be harmful to their health and study. They should not be tempted by other bad temptations as long as he or she can By following the ght rules, he or she will be a useful person.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: today's young people are less dependent on their parents than in the past. I will support yo answer with specific reasons and examples. I will only give my opinion based on observation.

There is no reliable statistical data, and there is no sociological method. I think young people today are independent. Their parents are independent than before The amazing speed of change means that the world offers us a lot of choices to do things and live by oselves.

One of the most stking things is that people are taking sks than their girlfend who left the United States decades ago. When she was old, she came to Beijing alone and started her unique joney. Three years later, she made an amazing achiment: she was employed by a very popular publishing house in China, and assisted in editing / translating sral books with her name on the cover.

She is working in one of the publishing houses. The world's largest education gup is headquartered in Beijing. It's only o and a half years since it was founded.

She n earned enough money to shuttle nd the streets of Beijing. You can see To millions of young people like her, they nr feel tied to their parents, but psue a life style and dream all the time.




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