
发布时间:2022-06-16 15:01:06 阅读:753 点赞:0


关于”介绍自己班级“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo class。以下是关于介绍自己班级八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo class

Last weekend, English drama was a great success. There were 14 English pgrams, which were very interesting and made us lgh all the time. Cinderella was very betiful, and stepmother was ugly and angry.

My fend Zhu bin performed a bird, which was very lovely and betiful. Although the story was very , all the actors ted their best to have a happy weekend.




I'm Y. In college, we only studied English for o years. Now it's time to say goodbye to this class.

I'm a little sad becse I love this class. Studying in class is one of my favote things. In CET class, my English teacher didn't encoage me to impve my English class In my opinion, the most important thing is yo oral English and yo thoughts.

Many people will skip classes. But in my class, Miss Jiang will show us a lot of the la things. Most of her coses are self-made.

The most important thing is that she will teach us how to think and train o thinking to a certain extent. O class is one of the best in academic performance. We recite some paragraphs and dictation in each unit.

The "free talk" part is o practice time and performance time. You can stand up and say some interesting things. Just like you like music, good videos will be played in class.

So when o class started, Mr. Jiang suggested that we should take a gup photo one day. But after the Wenchuan earthquake, there seemed to be no pgress.

So I decided to plan. Now things are going well, and I am familiar with them.






My classom my classom is so big. There are forty desks and chairs in the classom. There are o blackboards and o paintings on the wall.

My classom also has 11 lights and 12 fans. What color are they? They are blue in the corner. There is a bookshelf.

There are many books on the bookshelf. I like these books very much. This is my classom.

It's very good. I like my classom very much.




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