
发布时间:2022-10-08 15:38:37 阅读:254 点赞:0


关于”宠物带来问题“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Pet pblems。以下是关于宠物带来问题高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pet pblems

Now, almost ry family has a dog or a cat as a pet, becse they can bng us happiness. When we have happy things and don't want to tell others, we can chat with o pets. Although they may not understand at all, if we do this, we will feel much better, especially when we are alone in s, and we have no time to watch them After their parents, pets are always the best gift for the elderly, but keeping pets will also bng us a lot of tuble.

For example, most pets are dirty, and they have many diseases, which will make us sick. Sometimes the dog will bite a person who may just want to touch it to express fendship. In this way, pets will also make people unhappy.




It's worth doing something. It's not worth talking about it over and over again. Is it worth being a pet.




When it comes to pet animals, most people will think that this is a hot topic, becse and people keep pets in the city. Animals are o fends. They can get comfort fm pet animals and bng people a lot of happiness and comfort.

Children can learn how to love, and the elderly will not feel lonely. Some people n treat pets as family members. We should say that pet animals play an important le in human life, especially in ban life, where there are always people coming and going, cars and buildings.

We have to say that pet animals bng us new pblems, such as garbage, noise, uncontlled birth of animals and homeless animals. Therefore, we must spend time and money to solve these pblems. We can solve the pblems bught by pets, so that we can a peaceful and fendly world for o human beings and pets.

O kitten is extremely cute. It has a pair of big eyes like water crystal balls, covered with fluffy hair. It tns the body into a whole, just like a one Snowball is very nghty, someone rang the doorbell, it called three times, and tned his body into a snowball.

Every time the guests were very strange, only three people knew that it was my nghty kitten. Three people must be me. Once, the cat jumped on the table and played hard.

When playing hard, she accidentally bke a mother's love vase. Her und green eyes were suddenly less Many of them seem to be saying, "how can this be done? It's a very expensive vase." I don't blame it. I just gently stked its ooth white cash cap and said to him, "be careful, don't damage anything." to make a long story short, my cat is very nghty and cute.

No matter it's wng, it's my baby.





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