
发布时间:2022-06-04 11:27:28 阅读:359 点赞:0


关于”不同院“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Different cinemas。以下是关于不同院考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Different cinemas

On tomorw's day, the film spent a lot of money, especially fm a perspective full of special effects. If the greenhouse effect and global warming continue to reach this ll, they can lead to disasters and disasters worldwide, including multiple hcanes, tornadoes, tidal waves. Floods and the beginning of the next ice age is a paleoclimatologist (a researcher on past weather Pfessor Jack hall, a scientist of pattern change, is trying to save the world fm global warming.

He is also trying to find his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal, who participated in an academic competition in New York City when the city was flooded by the cold beginning of the new ice age). In addition to all the other challenges facing Dr. Hall, he also opposed the human race to the south for warmer temperates In warm weather, he was almost the only one to go north.




When I saw the movie spider man, it left a deep impression on me. The he is handsome and brave. He s so many people who need .

If we are him, can we satize o love and fendship, n o study, people are afraid to others and get into tuble. Although we can't use special abilities, such as Peter, we can also try o best to others, for example, if we see some this If we can contbute o love, o society will become and warm and people can get along well with each other.




Barbie, who is too big or too all, is the Barbie in the middle. She is not the biggest. Like Jane, she can go to school, css the ad, play with the children there, read stoes to herself.

The last Barbie is not the allest. No matter who Linda is, Linda can cry for what she wants and get it. He can cry for her and ryone, just ile.

Linda sits on her mother's lap, Doodle and dad threw her into the air and let her de up and down his legs, but Barbie was the one in the middle. It was too big for Linda to do what Linda couldn't do, and Jennie couldn't do it.




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