
发布时间:2022-09-10 10:40:46 阅读:175 点赞:0




For many people, some things may be many things, some people like to define it as, while others think that it exists in essence. Howr, some things are nothing. Howr, no matter what the crux of the pblem is how you mease you, you are likely, but if you, on the other hand, you have opportunities, one thing is one thing Things, it goes down with the se, so there are a lot of things you need to do, you'd better learn how, such as (I) and at the same time, you can, after that, you will (II) but for you the most important is (III).




Nowadays, and students like to do homework while listening to music. This phenomenon is generally opposed by teachers and parents. I don't think it's a good habit to do homework like this.

First of all, a person can't do a lot of things well. These things are not related to each other. One can only focus on one thing.

Second, if we use another thing to arrange o tasks, o efficiency will suffer a seous loss. In addition, generally speaking, working with music s to keep calm, which is not universally accepted evidence that you are not wise to keep up with music while doing yo homework.





Is faile a bad thing? For this part, you can wte a composition of no less than words in a few minutes. On the theme of "faile is a bad thing", you should wte yo composition on the following outline (in Chinese, yo composition should be wtten in three paragraphs. Remember to wte in readable handwting on the ght side of the paper is a bad thing.

Faile is a common thing in o daily life, For example, sometimes we fail in other occasions, lose to us in sports competitions, and sometimes we can't do a satiactory job. So it can be said for se that each of us must have expeenced failes of one kind or another. Different people have different attitudes towards faile.

Some people lose confidence when they encounter faile. They seem to think that this is the end of the world. Others People, on the other hand, don't take faile seously.

They seem to think that faile is the first step to success. In my opinion, what really matters is not faile itself, but o attitude. If we are afraid of faile and easily yield to faile, we will sely have one faile after another.

Howr, as long as we have confidence in oselves and learn fm faile, we will sely go fm success To win, so I nr fear faile, becse I firmly beli that "faile is the mother of success".




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