
发布时间:2022-04-03 06:27:56 阅读:353 点赞:0




You have to have a high sense of frustration, fm the guy who was rejected by ry studio in Hollywood, you have to knock on the door until yo knuckles bleed and the door hits yo face. You have to pick yoself up, dust yoself off, and again, it's the only way to achi yo goals in life woody Hayes university football coach Ohio State University may football we always say, the other side can't beat us, we have to make se we don't beat oselves, and that's what people have to do and make se they don't beat themselves you'll find nothing. In fact, I've nr seen a football player tackle with a ile on his face.

Nr Yes, may, an actor fm the University of Wisconsin Madison: first, fall in love with the pcess, and the results will follow; second, do yo work; third, once you are ready, put yoself in the preparation of garbage; foth, yo ability is beyond yo imagination; fifth, listening; sixth: taking action; you have a choice, you can be a passive victim of the envinment, or you can be Positive hei in yo life is the antidote to apathy, cynici and despair ; Jerry Zucker director, film pducer University of Wisconsin may: if you sleep all yo life, it doesn't matter whether yo dreams come true or not.


你必须有一个很高挫败感,从那个被好莱坞每家工作室拒绝家伙那里你必须敲门直到你指节流血门会砸到你脸你必须振作起来,掸掉身上灰尘,再说一遍,这是实现人生目标唯一途径 伍迪 伍迪 海耶斯 大学足球教练 俄亥俄州立大学 xx月 足球我们总是说,对方不能打败我们我们我们必须确保我们没有打败自己,这也是人们必须做,也要确保他们不会打败自己 你会发现什么都没有事实上,我从来没有见过一个足球运动员脸上着微笑去铲球从来没有,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校演员梅伊第一:爱上这个过程,结果就会随之而来;第二:做你工作;第三:一旦你做好准备,就投入准备垃圾 第四:你能力超出你想象 第五:倾听 第六:采取行动 你有一个选择,你可以成为环境被动受害者,也可以成为自己生活中积极英雄行动是消除冷漠、玩世不恭和绝望解药 Jerry Zucker 导演,制作人威斯康星大学xx月:如果你一辈子都在睡觉,你梦想是否实现并不重要。


Last Sunday morning, my fends and I went to visit Beijing Zoo. We went by bike. It took us half an ho to get there.

It was cwded with people and many forei toists. It is said that Beijing Zoo is the largest zoo in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are dreds of different kinds of animals in the world.

It spent the whole day looking at all the animals. We decided to see some of the most interesting animals. First we looked at the elephant, then the monkey.

Finally, we went to see o favote "fends" giant pandas, and we were very happy to see them wave to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo. Graduation ceremony and moving house is a peod of time for us to move forward fm school to university or into the real world.

Before graduation, we usually have a vaety of activities, such as taking pictes, leaving words of encoagement to teachers in memory of o fendship, or giving gifts to teachers to express o gratitude and respect. But I have mixed emotions about moving on. I want to stay and have fun with my fends, but I have to move on.

Graduation means taking a step forward and moving forward. So I can learn and become skilled and expeenced. Whether we are ready or not, graduation is coming.

Let's try to make o dream come true..








O school is located in the subb with convenient transportation and pleasant envinment. There is a big mountain behind the building, in fnt of us is the blue sea, we go swimming after class, school life is ch and colorful, all o teachers are ch in knowledge, good conduct, they teach us very seously, so we always do better than other school students in the joint examination. School is like a big family.

Teachers are like parents and old people. Bthers and sisters and clasates are like children and younger bthers and sisters. My middle school life is the best part of my life.

I learned a lot fm teachers and got fm my clasates. It is a great honor to study in o school. Students will always remember him O mother's school graduation ceremony.




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