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关于”email写作“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Email wting。以下是关于email写作考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Email wting

E-mail, referred to as email, is a new way of communication. It is very popular in dloped countes becse of its fast, cheap, efficient and convenient feates. People can hardly imagine modern life without it.

Today, millions of comrs aund the world are connected to form a global neork, which we call the Internet. You can send or receive messages and files, such as letters, files, videos and dio files, to anyone in than countes in a short peod of time. In addition, language barer is not a pblem, becse Internet sofare can translate yo email into any language you want, you can also store, , edit, edit and search yo email.

Most importantly, with the rapid populazation of comrs and the rapid expansion of the information superhighway, e-mail has ed us overcome the and time limitations in communication and connect with each other The application of e-mail will be and extensive, and e-mail will soon become an indispensable means of communication.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that facetoface communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mails, or telephones, using specific reasons and details to support yo response? I must agree that facetoface communication is the best type of communication that facetoface communication can eliminate. If you talk to someone directly, it will immediately lead to misunderstanding, strenen interpersonal relationships, and encoage continuation Interactively, you can see immediately that if they don't understand you, a person's body language will tell you that they don't agree or don't follow yo ideas. You can repeat yoself or explain yo argument.

If you send an email, this person may misunderstand what you want to say, he or she may be insulted, and you will have to waste time explaining yoself in another email In email, when you talk face to face, you communicate not just with yo eyes and hands, but with people all over you can feel that you really want to communicate with them. This ener connects people together, and yo relationship with one person becomes stnger when you communicate. Compared with other forms of communication, face-to-face communication often takes longer and e-mail lasts one second A phone call, a few minutes later, when you meet faceface, you have ted to meet the other party, and the other party is also trying to meet you.

You may spend time together chatting, the longer the conversation, in short, the you talk, the stnger yo relationship will be. If you want to establish a relationship with another person, the best way is to look at each other in direct communication You can avoid misunderstandings in wting, you can communicate at different lls, not just words, you can spend time doing it.




Now e-mail has been widely used in o life, and is loved by many people, becse it bngs us the advantage of being quick and convenient. We can know what the people aund us are doing and what they think of thugh e-mail. We can share their happiness and sadness with o fends.

If one of us is in tuble and difficulty, the others will We will also him to learn fm the news that he still knows fm a fend. Before they arve, we will use a letter to show you. Even if it is a couer, the news will reach us in a few days.

When his fends can't escape, on the other hand, e-mail sometimes puts us at a seous disadvantage. Some people say that e-mail address is in the worst dlopment O way of communication: first of all, it speeds up the unnecessary presse in the workplace. In addition, o comrs are blocked fm receiving spam.

People actually lose the artistry of wting. All factors are its shortcomings. We can only pay attention to them.

We can first overcome these weaknesses. One can save all his business e-mails, but After that, we should iore e-mails. We don't have to open them to prnt comr jams.

Although comrs are useful tools for work and study, we should often practice calligraphy, becse this is o traditional way of learning.




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