
发布时间:2022-08-25 12:52:15 阅读:681 点赞:0


关于”创业利弊“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneship。以下是关于创业利弊专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneship

I have a dream of a dream grass, dream of high, a cool and pleasant dream to the sea, with its bad mind to all creates open early dream, like a quiet sky, a bght life, I have a dream, dream to become a gust of wind, dream become a gust of wind and a spng breeze, I gently made a dream on white clothes, dream of changing In a gust of wind, he took away all the happiness and happiness of the o people lying in the yard. He carefully counted the stars and sang under the Altair. His bght eyes were as bght as r.

His bed before fst was on the gund. It seemed that Li Chaotian looked at his hometown with a sigh. Didn't I? I have a dream.




According to the la report, many students start their own businesses to prepare for the fute. Some students open online stores and some students open their own companies. Teachers and clasates have different views on this phenomenon.

Some people think that having such expeence can them adapt to the society better after graduation, while others think that opening a shop may take up too much time and ener of students Business is good for students to a certain extent first, running a store can bng some pfits to students. In this way, students can reduce the bden on their families becse college tuition is not so cheap. Secondly, when students do business, they can acquire pfessional knowledge, accounting skills and impve their personal communication skills.

For example, running a shop, they can make Using the last but not the least learned fm textbooks, these expeences can give them stren in job ting, becse they have business-related expeence with others, and they can learn how to cooperate with others and how to cooperate with others. In a word, I think students should have the opportunity to do business, which is a good way to impve their personal ability. I beli that the advantages oueigh the disadvantages.


据最新报道,很多学生都是自己创业,为将来做准备,有些学生开网店,有些学生自己开公司,老师和同学对这种现象有不同看法,有些人认为有这样经验可以帮助他们毕业后更好地适应社会,而另一些人则认为开店可能会占用学生太多时间和精力,我认为做生意在一定程度上对学生有好处 首先,经营商店可以给学生带来一些利润,这样一来,学生可以减轻家庭负担,因为大学学费不那么便宜;其次,当学生做生意时,他们可以获得专业知识,会计技能和提高他们个人沟通能力例如,经营一家商店,他们可以使用他们从课上学到最后但并非最不重要,这些经验可以给他们在求职时力量,因为他们有与他人做生意相关经验,他们可以学会如何与他人合作,以及如何与他人合作总而言之,我认为学生应该有机会做生意这是提高个人能力好方法我相信利大于弊。


It seems like a lotto, becse their expeence has been good fm the beginning, but he is not disappointed. He seems to be stang at the open window at the good luck of the clouds flying by. Maybe some of them are losing money.

Howr, some people are lucky to find a job or start a business, and get better in a slow economic situation. Good luck back. Good luck back.




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