
发布时间:2022-04-04 11:57:02 阅读:144 点赞:0




Global citizenship starts at home. Do you know the connotation of global citizenship? Honestly, I don't understand the exact meaning of this sentence, so I can only befly explain global citizenship. In my opinion, global citizenship is not a kind of language, but a responsibility and commitment, a way of behavior and thinking, so that global citizens can start fm the family At the beginning, we pmise to take the responsibility of life, treat all people as compatots, and actively seek common interests for o college students.

We are busy with exams or paying attention to emergencies in daily life. We seldom pay attention to global pblems. Howr, as college students, we should have the responsibility to think about these pblems.

Think about the life aund us a month ago The seous outbreak of cyanobactea in the lake makes the water undnkable, which bngs many maladjustments to Wuxi citizens. It warns that we have bken the balance of nate, and it has begun to punish human beings. Besides the envinment that we have destyed at home, we Chinese people have no consciousness of ptecting it when we travel abad.

Therefore, the travel behavior of Chinese people abad makes the local people can't bear the foreiers' treatment to me The influence of o country is not good, so I think that the judent of global citizen starts at home, which means that ryone should be a global citizen and should shoulder the responsibility of ptecting the motherland. Global citizenship starts at home. Let's do this thugh children and parents, thugh schools and society.

Yo government has an old saying: action is better than eloquence. Act now.




In terms of civil ghts, civil ghts be with the great carts sied by King John in, which gave many lower and middle classes, especially the lower classes, the same ghts as the astocrats. There are many kings trying to regain absolute power, such as James I, Charles I, Charles II and James II. Howr, after the gloous revolution in Btain, the status of civil ghts has nr changed.

Now countes like Canada and the United States are one of the countes that psue civil ghts. Therefore, if King John does not si Maa Carter, then we will There is no history of civil ghts today.




Civil ghts (civil ghts) civil ghts be with the siing of Maa Carter by King John in, which gave many lower and middle classes, especially the lower classes, the same ghts as the astocrats. There are many kings trying to regain absolute power, such as James I, Charles I, Charles II and King James II. Howr, after the gloous revolution in Btain, the status of civil ghts has nr changed.

Now countes like Canada and the United States are one of the countes that uphold civil ghts. Therefore, if King John does not si Maa Carter, we will There will be no history today.




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