
发布时间:2022-04-07 08:48:49 阅读:262 点赞:0




O Lord, do not rebuke me in yo fy, or punish me in yo fierce anger, for yo arws are tight on me, and yo hands are aching me. My flesh is unsound becse of yo wrath, and becse of my sin, there is no rest in my bones, for my iniquity is like a bden upon my head, becse of my folly, my wounds stink and decay. I am sorwful, and I bow my head, and mon all day long, for my loins are full of abominable diseases, and my flesh is not sound.

My heart is not hidden fm you, my heart is out of breath, my stren is gone, my eyes are gone, my love and fends are far away fm my pain, my relatives are standing far away. Those who seek my life also set a snare for me; those who seek to ht me speak evil all day long and try to deceive, but I am as deaf as I am, and I am dumb and silent. In this way, I seem not to listen, and there is no repach in my mouth.

For I hope, O Lord my God, that you will hear me, that they will not boast to me becse my feet are slipping, for I am ready to stop my sorw and to be always before me, for I will tell my iniquities, and I will for my sins; my enemies are living, and they are stng, and they hate me , and those who do evil for good are my enemies, for the Lord is my enemy Do not forsake me and my God, O my God. Do not be far away fm me, O Lord, who saves me; make haste to me.






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