
发布时间:2022-08-13 15:12:19 阅读:817 点赞:0




You and Messi's pde is in the woods, walking so early, Robin is sitting in the Bush, singing a very rare song, you betiful bird, when will I marry me, when six brave gentlemen kirkward will carry you, who will be the bde's bed, the bird, seously, the grey faced pest who studies in the grave, the firefly will light you on the grave and the stone. The owl sings fm the spire, welcome you, pud lady - these things will nr die out of Charles ens / pe, bght, betiful, the impulses that inspired o hearts when we were young, silent prayers, dreams of love and truth, longing for what is lost, the cry of the soul's longing, the hope for good that nr dies - timid hand To a bther who needs . In the dark time of sorw, this kind words pve that a fend, when justice is appaching, gently makes a voice of begging for mercy.

It is gef, a heart of regret, and these things will nr disappear, becse ryone must find a job to do, not lose the opportunity to wake up love, to be firm, just, true, one Beams of light that cannot on you fm above, and the voice of the angel says to them, these things will nr die. Langston Hughes should hold fast to dreams. If the dream is gone, life is a bken bird, it can't hold the dream tightly; when the dream is a barren land, sealed by snow, it can't hold the dream tightly; if the dream death is a bken bird, it can't hold the dream tightly; if the dream is a barren land, grasp the dream tightly; if the dream death is a bken one If dream death is a barren bird, it cannot hold fast to it; if dream death is a barren bird, it cannot hold fast to it; if dream death is a barren wilderness, it is fzen by snow, and when you are old, gray, sleepy, and nodding by the fire, take this book down Come, read slowly, dream that yo eyes were once gentle, dream of yo shadow, how many people love yo happy and elet moments, yo bety, yo hypocsy or sincety, but only one person loves yo pilgm's soul, loves yo sad face, stoops down beside the shining in bars and whispers sadly, how much love escapes fm the mountains overhead Pace and hide his face among the stars.





One day, while she was walking in the woods, a lonely girl was very eager for love. She found o gry songbirds. She took them home and put them in a all cage.

She takes care of them with love, and the birds greet her with a betiful song ry morning. One day, the girl was full of love for the birds. The girl opened the door of the cage and o bigger and stnger birds flew out of the cage.

The girl is very scared. When he flies very close, he will fly away. She seized him wildly, and her heart was glad that she had succeeded.

All of a sudden, she felt the bird limp. She opened her hand and stared at the dead bird in horr. After her desperate love killed him, she noticed another bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage.

She could feel his great need for . He needed to fly into the clear blue sky. She lifted him out of the cage and gently threw him into the air.

The bird circled once, ice, three times. The girl happily watched the birds and enjoyed her heart. She had been missing for a long time.

She wanted to make the bird happy. Suddenly, the bird flew closer and landed on her shoulder. It sang the swee melody she had r heard.

The quickest way to lose love was to hold it tightly. The best way to keep love is to give it wings.







Rhoda Alexander Saxon.




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