
发布时间:2022-07-13 13:38:40 阅读:462 点赞:0




We nr told him that my son Joey had a bipedal deformity when he was born. The doctor assed us that after treatment he could walk normally, but he would not run well. At the age of 8, he had sgery, plaster and braces for the first three years of his life, and when you saw him walking, you wouldn't know what he had.

The children in o neighborhood run aund like most children when they are playing. Joey will jump in and run to play. We nr told him that he may not run as well as other children, so he didn't know that in snth grade, he decided to join the s-country team ry day.

He and his teammates trained together. He worked harder than anyone else, and ran More than anyone else - maybe he felt that many people were born with the ability to run, although the whole team was running, he wasn't born, and only the top sn runners could score for school. We didn't tell him that he might nr be in the team, so he didn't know he was going on running fo to five miles a day, and n wored about it on the day he had a high fr, so I went to him after school and I found him running alone and I asked him how he felt, "OK," he said he had o miles to go - sweat streaming down his face, his eyes becoming hot and he became He was dull, but he looked forward and went on running.

We nr told him that he couldn't run fo miles with a high fr, so he didn't know o weeks later, the name of the team was Joey, Joey was sixth on Joey's list, he was in snth grade, the other six were eighth graders, we nr told him he shouldn't join o team, we nr told him he could do it, we nr knew we nr did Tell him he can't do it, he doesn't know he just did it.





When we can see clearly, we don't think about o eyes. Only when we can't see clearly can we know how important o eyes are. People with myopia can only see things that are close to their eyes, and rything else is blry (I don't know.

Many people do a lot of close work, such as wting, reading and sewing. People who become short-sighted must wear glasses to see things in the distance. We should take care of o eyes as if we were taking care of oselves.

First, we should not use o eyes for a long time. Second, i We should keep a foot's distance when (we) read books. Third, don't read in the sun or in the dark, when we're on the bus or in bed, and finally, keep doing eye care ry day.

If we can do that, we can have bght eyes.




Emily Bnt hope is just a timid fend. She sits in her study without in fence, watching how my fate will dlop. Even selfish men, she cruelly s the fence in fear.

On a tired day, I look outside. She tns away, like a false guard, a false watchman, still arguing. She whispers that she will be there I sing when I cry.

If I listen, she will stop being a false one. When my last joy is scattered on the earth, she will not relax. Even sadness will see that in regret, those sad reli scattered aund hope, their whispers will release all my crazy pain, stretch her wings, fly to heaven, go, and nr come back - Emily Jane Bnte - Ellis belpatck Bnte Maa branville Patck blanville gaaldine Oceania Elizabeth Branwell colebracton bell.




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