
发布时间:2022-03-31 16:07:34 阅读:430 点赞:0




Foxes are all and thin, with long and thick f. They usually have a tail. The tail is feet long, with a sharp mouth and large ears.

They are upght and tangular. Different kinds of foxes have different colors, such as red, yellow, light bwn or dark bwn, and gray, white or black.




Romantici is the charactestic of many Western civilization literate, painting, music, architecte, ctici and history works fm the end of the centy to the middle of the centy. Romantici can be seen as a rejection of the commandments of order, peace, harmony, balance and idealization. Rationality is a typical example of classici on the whole, especially in the neoclassici at the end of the centy The resistance of the enlightenment is a kind of counteraction to the general mantici which emphasizes the individual, subjective, irrational, imagination and individual.

In the charactestic attitude of mantici, transcendence is shown in the following aspects: deep appreciation of natal bety, general pmotion of emotion to rationality, general pmotion of sense to reason, and opposition to self This paper reviews the personality, emotional and psychological potential of human beings. It focuses on the genius, he and ordinary extraordinary characters, and pays attention to his passion and inner struggle. Artists, as the supreme individual creators, have a new view that their creative spit is important than stctly abiding by formal rules and traditional pcedes.

It emphasizes that imagination is the way to transcendental expeence and spitual truth They are interested in folk culte, national and national cultal ogins, medieval times, exotic and remote areas. They are mysteous, weird, mysteous, gtesque, morbid and n satanic.




Safety first, the spit of sacfice is an important part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Chinese people often regard hees who volunteer to in times of is as hees. Even children and agers in pmary and secondary schools are also tght to learn fm such hees and do the same thing in the face of is.

Howr, in the same situation, I hold the opposite view on this issue On the contrary, it will be cared out in a scientific and rational way. For example, when pmary school students see a bbery on their way to school, they are advised to remember the charactesti of the suspect and report the case to the school and public secity or. Senior high school students should report the case first.

At the same time, on the premise of fully ptecting their own safety, they should take apppate meases Action against cminals is a positive and flexible mease to enhance the self-ptection awareness of students under the age of one year. Fm their physical stren and related training, safety is the first poty. It is unwise for them to stand up for justice at the sk of endangeng their lives.

In addition, full respect for individual life is a social pgress in the past. The government emphasizes that the public interest should be ptected at all costs. Howr, today, personal safety is put in the first place.

In fact, the new concept requires s and teachers to enhance students' safety awareness and teach them the value of life when they know that they can not contl suspects. They are advised to seek Help, not bold and straightforward action, of cose, we do not want o young people to become cowards, but we do want them to have wisdom, as the old saying goes, wise men are tailor-made. We should emphasize that actions should be guided according to the circumstances, and young people should not be allowed to accept challenges and sks, bee they represent the fute of o country.




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