
发布时间:2022-08-18 07:22:16 阅读:480 点赞:0




Mike's school is a few kilometers away fm his home. When it rains, he often goes to school by bus, but the hospital is far away fm his home. So it takes Mike's father a few minutes to dve to work ry day.

Mike's mother has a job in the bank, which is a little far away fm the bank. She usually goes to work by subway.




In recent years, the dlopment of politi and technolo is rapidly eliminating all cultal differences. It is likely that in the near fute, it will be impossible to distinguish people living in one area of the earth's sface fm those living in another. Howr, o different past has not been completely erased, and cultal differences are still obvious.

The most siificant difference beeen Amecans and Eupeans is that they have different attitudes towards money. Every Eupean in history knows that in Eupe, wealth can only be achid at the expense of others, either by conqueng them or by fther utilizing their labor in factoes, that is, after the beginning of the industal revolution, the number of people who can get ch fm poverty is very all: the vast majoty That they should not be cher or poorer than their father. Therefore, in the United States, no Eupean connects wealth with personal achiments or poverty with personal faile.

Wealth is also oained thugh theft. But the real victims of exploitation are not human beings, but poor mother earth and ruthlessly plundered creates. It is true that the Indians were exppated, but this is not the pblem that the invaders have taken the wealth of the ed, as it has always been in Eupe, becse the Indians nr realized the potential wealth of their own country.

In the southern states, people lived on the labor of slaves, but slave labor did not make them ch. What makes the southern slavery unforgivable is that except for morality In addition to the evils of the country, becse of its natal resoces, it did not n get ch retns. Until recently, ry Amecan had reason to expect to earn than his father.

Therefore, if he made less, it must be his flt - he was either lazy or inefficient. Therefore, what Amecans value is not the possession of money itself, but the ability to use it as a pof of his masculinity. He has pved himself with it, and it has played its le.

In no society in history, the ch gave most of their wealth to a poor Amecan. They felt guilty becse of poverty, but compared with an inhetance For the Amecan renter who does nothing to increase his wealth, what else can he do besides dnk and psychoysis.





It is very necessary to employ forei teachers in Chinese universities. Nowadays, and foreiers come to teach in China. Most Chinese agree with this.

Although or less Chinese stand on each other's side, some people may not realize the advantages of letting forei teachers teach us English: they us impve o English ll, learn about culte and make fends Different fends. First of all, it's very common for Chinese students to be good at wting English s. But if we have foreiers as o English teachers, we can't talk in o daily life, otherwise we can't finish o learning tasks.

Therefore, in any case, having forei teachers to us speak is the best way to practice o spoken English. Face to face conversation is to correct and correct Second, when we talk to forei teachers, it is easy for us to refer to o own culte and their culte. In order to keep the conversation going, we must do some research to determine whether we know o own culte is correct, and what we don't know.

To understand and understand their culte, we should also make some preparations In addition, when we talk, we can easily and deeply understand the customs and cultes of other countes. In this way, we can not only make a deep impression on o own country, but also easily learn forei culte before there are forei teachers. Maybe we just see foreiers on TV, let alone talk to them, so all o fends Fends are all Chinese.

When we have forei teachers, they are not only teachers, but also o fends in class or after class. It is easy for us to make fends with them, so we have not only Chinese fends, but also forei fends. Generally speaking, forei teachers may not be able to us too much in college examinations in China, but they can us with o oral English and baden o hozons as college students.

What we need is not only to get high marks in the exam, but also some skills and abilities will have practical effects after we finish school, such as impving oral English, understanding cultal knowledge and different fends Fends are very useful, so I think it is absolutely necessary for Chinese universities to employ forei teachers.





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