
发布时间:2022-07-23 06:43:57 阅读:554 点赞:0


关于”用电安全“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Electcity safety。以下是关于用电安全四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Electcity safety

Most of us use comrs to find out about interesting questions in textbooks, about the Iraq war and the Oscars. Some people use comrs to draw pictes and make interesting flashlights. Some people use comrs to play s when they are tired and want to have a rest.

It's OK to play s for a while, but this is forbidden. We spend hos playing s. Some people use comrs to chat with people on the Internet and n fall in love with them.

The Internet is not a real world, we can't lie, so it's not safe to fall in love with someone online, and it's not good for o study. We should stay away fm it.




Note: for this part, you have 30 minutes to wte a composition about "practice makes perfect". You should wte at least a few words, and yo composition should be based on the following outline: the famous saying "practice makes perfect" is widely accepted today, which means that if we practice unfamiliar things again, we should learn English well We don't live in an English speaking country, so in order to learn English well, we need extra practice, such as reading English books, going to the English corner, or just sitting at the desk and communicating with foreiers. We can't English.

For example, if we want to use comrs skillfully, we need to practice using comrs. Some children become experts in comrs, On the contrary, they are playing with comrs ry day. If we just insist on reading books, we will still have a feeling.

When we use comrs, judging fm the evidence pvided, we can safely conclude that practice makes perfect.




Dear editor, I am wting to tell you how we use comrs in o daily life. Most of us use comrs to find out about interesting questions in textbooks, about the Iraq war and the Oscars. Some of us use comrs to draw pictes.

When we are tired and want to have a rest, some of us will use them to play s. It's OK to play s for a peod of time, but this is forbidden. We spend hos on s, and some people use comrs to talk with people, and n fall in love with him or her.

The Internet is not a real world, we can't take it for granted, so it's not safe and not good to fall in love with someone online. For o study, we should stay away fm rything I know. Very lucky, Li Hua'an comr (2).





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