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关于”濒临灭绝野生动物“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Endangered wildlife。以下是关于濒临灭绝野生动物雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Endangered wildlife

In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or animal pducts, such as clothes and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It's easy for animals to answer. Now, some people think that we don't need to use animals to make food becse modern technolo has found alternatives to clothes and medicines.

I certainly agree that we don't have to kill for svival Wild animals, I think we need to get food fm livestock. On the one hand, we should ptect wild animals, especially endangered animals, and realize their importance to the entire eco. Some people t endangered animals just to make betiful clothes.

This behavior should be phibited. Hunting rare animals will lead to their extinction and affect the diversity of animals. This is very important for us to ptect the wildlife The balance of nate is very important.

Therefore, wild animals should be ptected. We can't satiy o own happiness at the cost of their extinction. But we still need some livestock, such as chickens and ducks, to supply o daily diet and nuttion.

Meat pvides a vaety of nutents that vegetables and fruits are hard to oain. Some trace elements in meat can also prnt some diseases For the sake of human health, we need to balance o diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables. It seems impossible to completely remove meat fm o dining table.

It is true that the skin of animals like cattle and sheep can enhance the dability of clothes. Modern technolo has made it necessary to kill wild animals to keep us gry and cold. We still need animal pducts very much Pducts for o own interests.




With the extinction of many precious animal species, a large amount of money has been spent on ptecting wild animals, but some people think that this money should be spent on human beings. These people think that we have not solved o own numeus pblems. Why should we spend so much money on other animals? For example, millions of people in Afca die of ger, many people are still suffeng fm fatal diseases and air pollution More and seous dyeing, etc.

I have to admit that there are pblems that require huge amounts of money, but that doesn't mean that we can iore wild animals. First of all, we humans are mainly responsible for the extinction of wild animals. Therefore, it is o responsibility to ptect wild animals.

We have destyed millions of acres of tpical forests and made animals have no place to live. We have polluted the water of vers and lakes We n kill animals directly to satiy o appetite or pfit fm their f and so on. What we have done has csed great disaster in the animal kingdom.

For example, we can only see the Dodo in the picte now. The extinction of an animal species means an irreparable missing link in the ecological balance, which will be to me We have bad effects on humans. Ecologists say the day when there are only humans on earth is the end of the world.




Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, becse their envinment has undergone great changes. For example, with the dlopment of cities, the use of pesticides and seous pollution, their living areas have become and narw. Many wild animals are facing the food csis at the same time, human beings kill species in order to oain f, skin, horns, teeth and meat.




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