
发布时间:2022-07-26 12:50:25 阅读:636 点赞:0


关于”新职业“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:New career。以下是关于新职业专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New career

Different people choose different jobs as their ideal caregivers. This is becse ryone has their own interest in me. I decided to be a teacher for three main reasons.

First, I want to teach becse I like the rhythm of the academic calendar. Two long vacations give me a chance to reflect, research and wte. I think teaching is becse I like my own mistakes The of mistakes, learning their own lessons, encoaging their own and students' .




A woman named Emily changed her dver's license in the country clerk's office, and the woman recorder asked her to explain her occupation. She hesitated and didn't know how to classify her. I mean, the recorder explained, "do you have a job, or you just photographed Emily becse I have a job.

I'm a mother. We don't list her on the cover of a pfessional housewife. It says emphatically (Eddie forgot) I learned her story until one day I found myself in the same situation, this time in o own town hall clerk, apparently a pfessional woman, poised She asked about yo occupation (she asked me to say that, I don't know what word popped up, I'm a research assistant in child dlopment and human relations.

The clerk stopped, the ballpoint pen was fzen in the air, and she looked up as if she had heard the ght thing. I repeated the title slowly, emphasizing the most important words, and then I gazed in spse, becse my statement was wtten in black ink on the official svey paper (I can ask, I can ask, what do you do in yo field, There was no flry (in my voice, I heard my own response that I had an ongoing research pgram, (my mother didn't have one in the lab or in the field, (usually I would say, I work for my indoors and outdoors), (the whole family, already has fo credits, (all dghters, of cose, and this job is one of the most demanding jobs in the humanities 1、 (no mother would agree). I often work a few hos a day, like this, but this job is challenging than most homeless careers, and the pay is about satiaction than just money.

As she filled out the forms, there was a gwing respect in the voices of the staff, bending down and personally guiding me to the door. As I dve into o dveway, I was inspired by my charming new career and welcomed by my lab assistant.




If I'm a bit blue today, please forgive me. Mark is leaving. I'm a little sad.

You may not know mark, but you may be lucky to know someone like him. He is the core and soul of the office. For o years, he has combined exemplary pfessional skills with sweet nate and gentle personality.

He has nr been so interested in it becse he has done a good job and he just wants to do his best Now he is moving towards an exciting new career opportunity. It sounds like a lifetime opportunity. We are sincerely and sincerely happy for him, but this does not make it easier for us to say goodbye to a dear fend, trusorthy kolayagff.

There is a way for him to get used to, one person, one In a place or a situation, what changed the recipe? A good neighbor moved away, someone in the family graduated, their children found new love and loyalty thugh marage, and the main breadwinner of the family was fired.




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