
发布时间:2022-06-26 09:07:50 阅读:150 点赞:0




Calyn a Beatty East 7th Street home: Lansdale, PA office: Apl Janet n Ms. Morse, vice president, Utica human resoces department, woodland Avenue, Utica, New York Dear Mr. Morse: I am crently looking for a training and dlopment position.

I am the of a medium-sized manufactung company. I am a practical leader with a comprehensive backgund in training desi, dlopment and delivery. The enclosed resume details my expeence and achiments.

My backgund spans 10 years of training and dlopment expeence, and in all cases I have succesully gained stng customer support and pject ownership. Here are some of my major achiments: guided training for the field sales orization of a large electnic pduct distbution company. Using evaluation methods as the basis, we built "high performance models" for some key mament positions, and evaluated key mament personnel based on these models, which served as the basis for determining key mament needs / poties, and desied and delivered the company leader A very succesul intduction to total quality mament.

The training target includes three departments. In order to link training needs with business strate, and dlop a reliable method to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of mament training and dlopment plan based on my work expeence and education backgund, I beli I can effectively lead the training function of yo company and impve the overall human resoce efficiency and pductivity of yo company. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in a face-to-face interview.

I hope to hear fm you soon, Caline's betiful wall.


CAROLYN A BEATTY East 7th Street家:宾夕法尼亚州兰斯代尔市办公室:xx月Janet N Morse女士,纽约州尤蒂卡市尤蒂卡市伍德朗大道尤蒂卡人力资源部副亲爱莫尔斯先生:我目前正在寻找一个培训和发展职位我是一家中等规模制造公司经理,我是一名实型者,在培训设计、和交付方面有着全面背景。随函附上简历详细说明了我经验和成就。我背景跨越了xx年各种培训和发展经验,为在所有情况下,我都成地获得了强有力客户支持和项目所有权。



Note: please read the following advertisement carefully and ask you (Wang Peng) to wte a reply letter. Please remember to send yo letter to the advertisement you should wte about No.1 Shengda building, Shanghai Huaihai Middle Road, human resoces department. On January 8, Wang penuo, Zhongshan Road, Xuhui Distct, Shanghai, dear pioneer or Madam, I learned fm Beijing Youth Daily on January 8 that yo company is looking for a secretary position I'm glad to wte to explore the possibility of applying for a job.

I graduated fm University for o years and got a bachelor's degree in this field. Dung my college years, my major coses included maceconomi, business communication skills, ing and comr application. I especially like communication skills, which enable me to deal with people and things nd me well.

After graduation, I worked as assistant director in HP China branch. My responsibilities included conducting research, wting reports and orizing department meetings. My o years' work expeence has been very ful to me in many aspects.

In particular, I am increasingly aware of the importance of coordination and cooperation among my colleagues. I also beli that this expeence will enable me to be qualified for the crent vacancy in yo company. I passed CET-6 with high marks.

I am also fluent in spoken English and can orize meetings.






Dear Ms. MAC Queen: are you looking for sales people in the information pcessing industry? Maybe I can you. I'm a corporate representative of IBM's 20 major customers.

Based on this expeence, I can: meet the overall information needs of large global customers, negotiate global bulk pchase agreements, sell international s, respond to senior mament concerns, and lrage all corporate resoces to achi customer satiaction, although other factors, such as career dlopment, are most important to me You should know that my total salary is $and I appreciate yo consideration, Wade B. Stanford.


尊敬Mac Queen女士:您在寻找处理行业人员吗?也许我可以帮助您我是IBM公司20个主要客户公司代表基于这一经验我可以:满足全球大型客户总体需求谈判全球批量采购协议国际市场对高级层担忧作出回应利用所有公司资源来实现客户满意度尽管其他因素,如职业发展对我来说是最重要,你应该知道我总薪酬是$我非常感谢你考虑,韦德B斯坦福。


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