
发布时间:2022-06-20 15:27:35 阅读:208 点赞:0


关于”写一篇你最喜欢“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Wte an article you like best。以下是关于写一篇你最喜欢四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article you like best

Last Sunday, my father, mother, sister and bther went to Taiyuan by car. In the morning, when we went down the mountain, I saw the mountains were luxuant and wild flowers were in full bloom. We climbed up the mountain along the mountain ad and walked to the middle of the mountain.

I felt a little tired. My father said to me that I couldn't do anything on the way. So I stuck to the top of the mountain.

The scenery on the top of the mountain was so betiful that we went boating and eating in the lake at night Rice noodles, have a good time.




In this part, you can wte an essay entitled "college students in the job " in minutes. After graduation, you should wte at least a few words according to the outline below. In fact, all college students are faced with the pblem of choice, which is indeed a difficult choice.

On this issue, the opinions of students are quite different. Some people think that the interest in work should be put in the first place, while others think that the salary is the most important factor affecting the choice. I prefer the latter view.

A high salary job will fascinate many people, and I am no exception. Although it is impossible to mease the value of work with money, when I choose my fute job In business, salary is the most important thing. O career depends largely on where we grew up.

I come fm a poor ban family. My parents are lazy workers. In order to pay for my tuition, they have been the only son in the family for the past fo years.

As the only son in the family, I have to bear the bden of supporting my family. Salary is the first consideration in choosing my favote job.





I am a middle school student. I like music. I often listen to music on the comr.

My favote song is Jianan. It was sung by jjit and it gave me a sense of sadness and bety. Sometimes when I sleep, I always feel crying.

It reminds me of the rainy days in my heart. I like this song becse it gives me a great dream.





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