
发布时间:2022-04-03 11:54:32 阅读:234 点赞:0


关于”人类对环境改造“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Human tranormation of the envinment。以下是关于人类对环境改造雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Human tranormation of the envinment

Climate change at the earth scale has bught a new kind of natal disaster. The dloped and complex ban has the potential sk of man-made expansion of damage. People pduce and use chemicals in large quantities in order to psue convenience and vaous toxic substances, which have been damaging human health.

Substances are generated and accumulated in the envinment unintentionally. We need to prnt ban envinmental disasters and ma envinmental ptection Fm the perspective of envinmental sk, we should formulate and impve a set of new sk mament and disaster prntion , so as to ptect and an ban envinment in which the people live comfortably and the people actively fight against. We are against unfair treatment of people of color, women and animals.

What I'm talking about is fighting for respect for o envinment. Although the envinment has no mouth to slander what human beings have done to her, she retaliated by taking actions to rnge the Chinese people for cutting down a large number of trees in the early stage. At the soce of the Yellow River, this led to the disappearance of large forests and seous floods, the Loess Plate once covered by vegetation into a barren wasteland with few plants.

Another example is that in some dloped countes, many chemical plants emit toxic gases without filtration, and cities are covered with too much poison.




There are still many things left, and my influence is very important, becse I am a devout expert, they use o work to get retns. The factory took the factory as an example to tranorm the plant, the plant tranormed the plant, the plant cared out the tranormation on the plant, the plant cared out the tranormation on the plant, the plant cared out the research on the technolo, The factory is only a part of the factory. The factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the unit, the factory takes a certain factory of the factory as the factory Taking the factory as the unit, the factory takes the factory as the factory, the factory as the factory, the factory as the factory, and the factory with the factory as the factory.

No one can be involved in anything in this factory. So it becomes my culpt. If yo eyes have not been dumped in a little time, how can I replace us? Even the king doesn't care about you and yo relationship.




E4be5be: in modern social activities, the arbitrary disposal and disposal of goods is common, especially in the peod of pduct use increasing rapidly. According to the ysis of covaance, Btish people discard diapers ry year. For a peod of time, Japanese companies distbute millions of pieces of CD and mercy free of charge in addition to the fountain can handle Battery, ry year, Amecans abandon razors and use seented battees for polystyrene plastic packaging and paint bottles.

They also pvide a monthly picnic for the world's population. Once a pduction of paper and plastic can be used. Although for a peod of time, the pducts really meet the special needs of people, and a lot of resoces and resoces are wasted The amount of garbage increases the bden of the envinment and n bngs pollution to the envinment.

China is a big country with than ten people. If we pmote the use of pmary mateals, the consumption will be huge, which will not only cse waste of resoces, but also bng unexpected disasters.




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