
发布时间:2022-08-30 15:32:24 阅读:650 点赞:0


关于”写用序数词“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Ordinal words used in wting。以下是关于写用序数词小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ordinal words used in wting

It has been than three years since I be to learn English. I think it is very difficult to learn English. I have poor pnunciation and spelling.

Later, I can't understand the rules of grammar. With the of teachers and clasates, I have made great pgress. If I want to achi the best academic results in a short time, I must work hard to learn listening, speaking, reading and wting.

In class and after class, we can also learn Make some apppate suggestions so that we can learn fm each other. In my opinion, we should rely on oselves and listen to the teacher carefully.




The importance of learning English some students don't like English, think English learning is not important, but I don't think English is very important. We all know that English is widely used. Next, I want to share my expeence in learning English: first of all, don't be afraid to speak, don't worry about mistakes.

This is the fas way to learn anything, do it again and again until you are like anything Third, take notes in English, put English books nd the om, listen to English radio, watch English news, movies and TV, speak English with yo fends, watch English movies and TV, listen to English music. In this way, yo English will ntually make some pgress and have a good time.




Do you like English? I have fallen in love with it. I have been learning English for sral years, so I have gained a lot fm English learning. Now, I want to share time with my fends.

Why can we use o mother tongue so fluently? This is becse we have been using it since we were born. In an envinment where ryone is learning another language in English, we should also start as soon as possible. I started learning English fm grade one of pmary school as early as possible.

I am very lucky becse my English teacher has done a good job in cultivating my interest in English and learning English. I have joined some English clubs to guide my study. I have also tght me some western culte and history.

In these years, reading is necessary. I have found that reading is very necessary. Thugh a lot of reading, I can expand my vocabulary and understand the structe of sentences.

Most importantly, I can gain a kind of language sensitivity. What we call language is living When you talk, you can't always think about grammar and sentence structe. If you have the ability of language sensitivity, words can come out of yo mouth constantly, just like the cool spng flowing out of the valley in summer.

I always choose any reading mateal in my teaching. In this way, I have read a vaety of things, including science, history, social research Research, literate, etc. Speaking and listening are always the first to train o listening and speaking abilities.

We can listen to tape recorders, watch English pgrams on TV, talk to foreiers and so on. For example, when we do other work, we can train o listening by listening to English songs. You can guess the words without reading the newspaper.

We should imitate the pnunciation and intonation of people in English speaking countes, which is good for us.





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