
发布时间:2022-08-05 15:47:44 阅读:232 点赞:0


关于”怎么解决人口问题“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:How to solve the population pblem in China。以下是关于怎么解决人口问题六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to solve the population pblem in China

I think family planning is the most effective way to solve the population pblem. We often underestimate the seousness of the population pblem. Obviously, half of the people in the world are starving, in poor health and living standards are extremely low.

So far, little pgress has been made in family planning. We can't take the population pblem lightly. If we don't contl the birth rate now, in the near fute I will We're going to have a miserable life.

Literacy may be the main enemy of family planning countes. These countes have the highest birth rates, such as Brazil and India. They also have the highest illiteracy rates.

They don't n know what "birth contl" means to me. Iorance of family planning is a social pblem. Therefore, we'd better start with social reform, such as legislation, etc.

Of cose, we can not deny the necessity of medical treatment. We should combine other methods to answer whether human beings can svive in one of the es of the centy, that is, the population pblem, which is in o hands.




Nowadays, population and envinment have become a very important issue in China's dlopment. The population is gwing faster and faster. Although the Chinese government has put forward some strategies, such as the one-child policy, at the same time, the gwth rate has slowed down.

In terms of o envinmental relief, the biggest pblem is that we want to say that if they still don't stop the foolishness of destying the envinment Wng, one day, human beings will become the last living to ptect the envinment in the world. O earth is the mother of all human beings as we know it. China is the country with the largest population in the world.

The number of this population exceeds so many, which bngs some pblems to the city, that is, too many unemployed people and few employment opportunities in the city Howr, it has been sral years since I left school, but I can't find a job. Traffic jam is another pblem ed by a large population. There are too many cars on the ads and streets.

The situation in ral areas is not good. Too many people live in ral areas. We do not have enough far for them to live in.

O government has realized these pblems and attached great importance to them. The government is trying to jobs and impve the transportation . In addition, the one-child policy has also played a siificant le.




At present, the pblem of floating population in 11 pvinces and tonomous regions attracts people's attention. Among these pvinces, Guangdong Pvince has the largest floating population. Tianjin, Jiangxi and Chongqing have relatively all number of floating population.

The reasons for the difference may be in many aspects. It can be seen fm the fige that economic factors play a leading le. As a leading economic region, Guangdong has a larger floating population than Tianjin Compared with other pvinces and regions, Guangdong is a pduction place, which is labor-intensive to a large extent.

In addition, this may be related to the geographical charactesti and land area of a certain area, which may affect the traffic possibility and labor demand. Guangdong is a good example bee it has better traffic conditions and is geographically restcted than the restctions in the fige No matter what the reason is, it has ed many new pblems, not only for individuals, but also for the soce and target areas: how to maintain the normal stability of family life, how to take care of left behind children, how to ptect the ghts and interests of migrant workers in the city, and how to solve the gwing population pblem in the city have become an gent social pblem.




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