
发布时间:2022-08-29 07:47:24 阅读:386 点赞:0




When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Mary the mother of Salome, bought balm to anoint Jesus. On the first day of the week, they came to the tomb at sunse in the morning and said to each other, "who lled the stone out of the door? They looked and saw that the stone was big, and they lled out. When he entered the tomb, he saw a young man in a white be sitting on the ght side, and he was terfied.

And he said to them, do not be diayed; go and find Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is not here to look at the place where Jesus was laid. Go and tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee, and you will see him.

As he said to you, they will go out in a hry and flee fm the tomb, for they are trembling and amazed Becse when Jesus got up early in the morning, they were afraid that on the first day of a week, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. Mary dve out sn demons fm Mary, and Mary went to tell his followers that when they were weeping, they heard that Jesus was still alive and saw her, and they did not beli him when the o of them went in Hou, in another form, appeared among them. They went to tell the rest of them, and later they didn't beli it.

As the eln were reclining at table, Jesus appeared to them and rebuked their unbelief, hardened in heart, for they did not beli those who saw him after his resrection. Jesus said to them, "go out into the whole world and preach the gospel to ry one, believing that the create that is baptized will be saved, and those who do not beli will be csed.". These sis will follow those who beli in my name.

They want to dve out s and speak new words. If they dnk anything deadly, they will not harm them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and after the Lord has spoken to them, he will be healed in this way. And he was taken up to heaven, and sat at the ght hand of God, and they went out and preached, wherr the Lord worked with them, and followed Amen with sis.







Last Sunday, Mike and I went to Beijing by bus. In the morning, we went down the mountain. I saw the lush mountains and wild flowers in full bloom.

We climbed up the mountain along the mountain ad and walked to the middle of the mountain. I felt a little tired. It be to rain.

My West Lake silk umbrella missed. Mike told meI ZhangLei not to give up halfway. So I insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain.

The scenery on the top of the mountain was so betiful that we were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, and finally we went home. At that time, I was always happy.




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