
发布时间:2022-06-04 14:32:58 阅读:318 点赞:0




The countryside nd Koch town is very bare. The town is located by the sea. It is always betiful.

Although it may be betiful than it, becse it is sunded by flat fields and a far away forest, people can always find some betiful things in their own homes. It is what a person yearns for. Even if it is located in the most betiful place in the world, we must admit it On the outer edge of Koch, where a all, humble garden lined with streams flowing into the sea can be very betiful in summer.

Here's the idea of o children, Noord and Johnny, playing there. In one garden, there's an old tree in one garden and an old willow tree in the other. Under that old willow tree, the children especially like to play, n though the tree is all The stream was so close that they could easily fall into the water, but they were still allowed to play there, to look after the children in the eyes of God, otherwise they would be poor.

The other o are very careful with the water. In fact, the boy was very afraid of water. In summer, he couldn't be led into the sea.

Other children liked to play in the sea. He had to ende as much dicule as he could. But once, Johnny, the little girl, dreamed that she was on the boat.

Nood waded into the water to meet her. The water se over his head. Fm the moment Knud heard this dream, he could not bear it any He was called a coward, and he might be in the water now.

He said that since Johnny had a dream, he had nr put the idea into practice. Howr, the dream was still his grea pde.




Pl, the apostle of Jesus Chst, by the will of God, grace, mercy and peace fm God the father and Chst Jesus o Lord, according to the life pmised in Chst Jesus to Timothy my dear son. I thank the God whom I served fm my ancestors, with a pe conscience, and in my prayers, I keep thinking of you. I am very eager to see you pay attention to yo tears so that I can be filled with joy.

When I call you to remember yo faithfulness, which first existed in yo grandmother Lois and yo mother Eunice, I beli I also remind you that you are in you It inspires the gift of God, for God has not given us a spit of awe, but power, love and a sound heart. Therefore do not be ashamed of the imony of o Lord, nor of me, who was impsoned, but suffer with the gospel according to the power of God, who saved us, who did not call us in his holy name, according to o works, but according to his own will and grace, which was given to us in Chst Jesus before the creation of the world, but is now raled by the appearance of o Savior Jesus Chst I am not ashamed, for I know who I beli, and beli that he can keep what I gave him on that day, the good words that you heard in Chst Jesus, in faith and love, and you know what Asia has All men will leave me, for he has always invigorated me and is not ashamed of my chains, but when he was in Rome, he sought me with all his might. This is what you know.

All those who are in Asia have left me, including Phoebus and hermonius. Give them to him, that he may have the mercy of the Lord that day. You know very well that he served me in Ephesus.





Once upon a time, an old farmer planted a piece of land ry day. He went to the field to see the gwth of the seedlings. He saw that the young shoots bke thugh the soil and grew higher and higher day by day, but they were still the same.

He felt that they were gwing too slowly, and he was impatient with those young plants. "How can these plants gw faster?" He left him in bed at night and couldn't sleep. He suddenly thought of an idea.

He had an idea. Instead of waiting for daybreak, he jumped out of bed and rushed to the fields in the moonlight. He be to make seedlings one by one.

After pulling out the seedlings, he pulled them up half an inch. It was already morning. He said to himself contentedly, "what a good idea! How tall are these plants in one night?", He went home and told his son that he was shocked by a winning tone.

Now that the sun has sen, young people see that all the young plants are dying. People now use "eight Miao Zhu Zhang" to descbe the behavior of people who are eager to do things that will only make things worse. The idiom is a little like the English pverb "Haste makes less speed" to spoil things and is too enthusiastic.




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