
发布时间:2022-07-17 09:01:30 阅读:160 点赞:0


关于”我朋友秘密“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My fend's Secret。以下是关于我朋友秘密高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My fend's Secret

There was a wonderful football match on TV tonight. It was a match beeen the Chinese team and the United Arab Eates team. I was a loyal fan.

I had expected this match for a long time. So I went home in a hry after class. But on the way, I found a little boy crying and infatuated with the ad, becse his parents must be very wored.

I politely invited their children home But I'm very grateful for their children's coming home, becse I invited them home late. Why did I come back so late? I didn't say anything. Maybe it would be my own secret.

October 6th, OK, there is an exciting football match on TV tonight. As a loyal football fan, this is played beeen China and the United Arab Eates. I expected it for a long time, so next I went home in a hry after class, but on the way, I saw a little boy crying and he told me that he was lost.

Maybe his parents were wored about this, so I decided to send him home. "It took us a lot of time to get to his home. Their son, the boy's parents, were very grateful and asked me to stay for dinner.

I politely refused becse I still wanted to watch the , but when I came back At home, it was very late and the was over. Unfortunately, I was still very happy becse I ed others. I didn't tell anyone.

It was just my secret.




I have a little secret, that is, I have saved some money for myself. My parents don't know, they still give me pocket money in time. I have saved my pocket money for a long time.

I want to use this money to buy what I want. I plan to spse my parents when I save enough money. This is my little secret.




There was a wonderful football match on TV tonight. It was a match beeen the Chinese team and the United Arab Eates. I was a loyal fan.

I had been looking forward to the for a long time. So I rushed home after class. But on the way, I found a little boy lost in tears becse his parents must be very wored.

I immediately decided to send him home to see their son come back, The boy's parents said thank you, they also invited me to stay for dinner, but thinking of the football match, I politely refused them when I got home. It was very late, I missed the , but I was very happy becse I ed others. Although my mother asked why I came back so late, I didn't say anything.

Maybe it will become my own secret. October 6th, OK today There was an exciting football match on TV the other night. As a loyal fan, it was played beeen China and the United Arab Eates.

I had expected it for a long time, so I rushed home after class, but on the way, I saw a little boy who ced and told me that he was lost. Maybe his parents were wored about him thinking about this, I decided to send him home "I" It took them a long time to find his boarding son. The boy's parents were very grateful and asked me to stay for dinner.

I politely refused becse I still wanted to watch the . But when I got home, it was very late and the was over. Unfortunately, I was still very happy becse I ed others.

I didn't tell anyone. It was just my own secret.




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