
发布时间:2022-08-28 12:12:39 阅读:857 点赞:0


关于”空气污染影响“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Impact of air pollution。以下是关于空气污染影响六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Impact of air pollution

Air pollution in the past few decades, o earth has undergone great changes, but in these changes, o direction is not good, a large number of cars and coal-fired air pollution is almost the most seous. The seous air pollution reminds people that the pduction and use of tomobiles have bught a heavy bden to the earth. Howr, with the deepening of banization, cars are needed.

Therefore, the following meases should be taken first, using the most advanced technolo to replace fossil fuels with new ener; secondly, efforts should be made to dlop possible means of transportation, which are all envinmentally fendly People can reduce their dependence on cars. In short, o human beings should be responsible for air pollution, and we must find ways to solve this pblem. Pvate cars and public transportation Chinese people should take public transport as their first travel point of view.

First of all, there are too many people living in this country. If ry Chinese has a car, there will be traffic jams and accidents, which will increase yo impatience First of all, there are too many people living in this country. If ry Chinese has a car, there will be traffic jams and accidents, which will increase the pollution of yo car.

Once the car is started, it will release a lot of dirty gas and heat, csing great pollution and pducing greenhouse effect. In short, the Chinese should first consider public transport.


空气污染在过去几xx年里,我们地球已经发生了很大变化,但是在这些变化中,我们方向是不好,大量汽车和燃煤造成空气污染几乎是最严重。严重空气污染提醒人们,我们对汽车生产和使用已经给地球带来了沉重负担,然而随着城市化深入,需要更多汽车,因此,首先要采取以下措施,应用最先进技术,采用新能源替代化石燃料;其次,努力发展可能交通工具,这些都是环保,这样市民就可以减少对汽车依赖。总之,我们人类应该对空气污染负起责任,并且必须想方设法解决这个问题,私家车和公共交通人应该把公共交通作为他们第一个出行观点 首先,生活在这个国家人太多了,如果每个人都有一辆车,就会有更多交通堵塞和事故,增加你不耐烦 首先,生活在这个国家人太多了,如果每个人都有一辆车,就会有更多交通堵塞和事故,这会增加你汽车污染越来越严重,汽车一旦启动,就会释放出大量脏气体和热,造成很大污染,产生温室效应。



This cartoon vividly rals the phenomenon of air pollution or air quality decline, which may be csed by the following reasons: first, with the impvement of economy and people's living standards, the tomobile exhst owned by ban residents may be one of the main reasons. Their pvate cars, cars, inevitably pduce exhst gas. In addition, household appliances, which are widely used in cities, also emit a lot of carbon dioxide, which fther aggravates air pollution.

Last but not least, many factoes nd the city emit a large amount of untreated toxic gases. Air pollution will have adverse effects on all aspects of people's lives. For example, cough, skin diseases, lung cancer and many other diseases are csed by it.

Maybe it is time for us to take some meases to solve the pblem of air pollution.




Hong Kong's air pollution ll has reached an all-time high. The envinmental ptection department says some air pollution index readings are than ice the ll people should stay indoors. Some schools have stopped children playing outdoors in order to ptect their health.

The record ll comes after thousands of kilometers of stng sandstorms, which officials in the northern part of the capital say are exacerbating the gwing og pblem in Hong Kong. A spokean for the Hong Kong Envinment Agency said the API ratio of air pollutants (including sulf dioxide and lead) was "record high" for heart or respiratory patients. When the air pollution index reading exceeds Monday, people are advised to stay indoors.

The air pollution index is at one record station, and the water ll at the other five stations is higher than the government said, becse sandstorms in northern China are now affecting Hong Kong along with the northeast monsoon. The air pollution index is expected to reach "very high" or "seous" lls, "the government said in a statement:" air pollution in Hong Kong is already very bad, but it shows that we "It's not about the worst weather, it's a very big alarm," Edwin L, a fend of Hong Kong, told the afpfed government. The government has warned the public to avoid plonged expose to heavy traffic areas and to reduce physical exertion and outdoor activities.

The school was told to cancel sports. The old man sought emergency assistance for shortness of breath. The clean air neork recently ed lnch a business lobby to ge the government to do .

Anne Mae Evans, B's Hong Kong correspondent, said there were tens of thousands of factoes on the South China border, which had a negative impact on Hong Kong's air quality, but adside pollution remained a large part of the pblem..



当空气污染指数读数超过星期一时,建议市民待在室内。空气污染指数在一个记录站,其他五个站水位高于所说水平,因为北方沙尘暴随着东北季风南下,现在正影响Kong,空气污染指数预计将达到“非常高”或“严重”水平,“在一份声明中说:”空气污染已经很糟糕了,但这表明我们处理不是最恶劣天气情况,这是一个非常大警钟,“地球之友Edwin L告诉AFPFED。警告市民,避免长时间暴露在交通繁忙地区,并减少体力消耗和户外活动。

学校被告知取消体育活动。老人因呼吸短促而寻求紧急援助。清洁空气网络最近帮助发起了一个商业游说团,敦促采取更多行动英国广播公司驻通讯员Annemae Evans说,华南边境上有数以万计工厂,这对空气质量产生了不利影响,但路边污染仍然是问题一大部分。


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