
发布时间:2022-07-27 10:33:42 阅读:252 点赞:0


关于”回忆至深一件事“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A deep memory。以下是关于回忆至深一件事中考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A deep memory

When he was about to die, he called them to his bed and said to them, "Dear children, I have one thing in mind. I want to tell you that the laziest one of you will become king. After the oldest one says father, the kingdom belongs to me.

Becse I am too lazy, whenr I lie down and sleep, a tear falls into my eyes, I will not They close and I can fall asleep. The second said, father, the kingdom belongs to me, becse I am too lazy. When I sit by the fire to warm myself, I would rather let my heel bn than pull my leg back.

The third said, father, the kingdom belongs to me, becse I am too lazy. If I am going to be hanged and there is pe aund me, someone will put a sharp knife in my hand to cut the pe. I'd rather hang myself than put my hand on the pe.

When my father heard this, he said that you took the pe as far as you could, and you were going to be king.





A king had three sons, and he loved them as much, but he did not know which of them he appointed king after his death. When he was dying, he called them to bed and said, "Dear children, I have one thing in mind. I want to tell you that the laziest of you will be king after me." When I fell asleep, I would rather lie by my father's side, so that I could lie in my eyes, so that I could lie on the gund to sleep, so that I could lie on the gund and sleep.

The third said, father, the kingdom is mine, becse I'm too lazy. If I'm going to be hanged, the pe has been tied to my neck, and someone has cut a sharp knife in my hand When my father heard this, he said that you had taken it away. It should be the king.


一个国王有三个儿子,他同样深爱着他们,但他不知道在他后,他把他们中哪一个任命为国王。当他临终时候,他把他们叫到床上,说:“亲爱孩子们,我想到了一件事,我要告诉你们,你们中最懒那个人将在我之后成为国王。”当我睡着时候,我宁愿躺在我身旁,这样我就可以躺在我眼睛里,这样我就可以躺在地上睡觉了,这样我就可以躺在地上睡觉了第三个说,王国是我,因为我太懒了,如果我要被,已经把绳子系在我脖子上,有人把一把锋利刀放在我手里割断绳子,我就让自己被,而不是把手举到绳子上 当听到这句话时,他说你已经把它拿走了最远,应该是国王。


And Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said, just as a wise man may pfit fm God. Is it not yo great wickedness that the Almighty, who delights in yo ghteousness or perfects yo conduct, will be judged with you for fear of you? Yo iniquities are infinite, for you have taken a pledge fm yo bthers for nothing, stpped them of their nakedness, and gave no water to the needy or food to the gry; as for the powerful, the earth and the noble When a man dwells in it, you send widows away empty, and the arms of the orphans are bken, and the snare is und about you, and suddenly you are terfied, the darkness is terfied, and you cannot see it. The abundant water is not God in the high places of heaven.

Look at the height of the stars. How can God know that he can judge in the dense clouds? The dark clouds are invisible to him. He walks in the ways of heaven.

You remember the old ways that the wicked trample, and they are cut down fm time, and his foundation is flooded with floods. He says, "God will leave us, and the Almighty will fill him with good things." O house. The schemes of the wicked are far fm me.

When the ghteous see it, they are glad. Innocent people lgh at them. O possessions are not reduced, but the rest are consumed by the fire.

Now be acquainted with him and have peace. I beseech you to receive the law fm his mouth and tell you his words. If you retn to the Almighty, you will be built up and yo iniquity will be removed fm yo tents, and you will store up gold like dust, and the gold of Ophir like the stones of streams.

At that time the Almighty will pray to God for yo shield, and the Almighty will give you plenty of silver, and the Almighty will grant you shields. You shall also make a decision, and it shall be established upon you. When a man falls, you will say that a man ses up, and he will save the humble.

He will save the island, and the pity of yo hands will save the innocent.








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