
发布时间:2022-06-10 10:52:08 阅读:764 点赞:0


关于”放长假好处与坏处“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of long vacation。以下是关于放长假好处与坏处小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of long vacation

One winter, a farmer found a snake fzen. He felt sorry for it, so he picked it up and put it in his arms. The snake was soon awakened by the warmth, regained its instinct, bit its benefactor, and inflicted a fatal wound on it.

"Oh," the farmer exclaimed at the last breath, "it is natal that I sympathize with the rascal." the grea kindness does not bind the ungrateful.




I was reading Alice's adventes when suddenly a stng sunlight came out of my book. I closed my eyes becse the light was so bght. But when I opened my eyes again, I found that rything in the book was like faiand.

I was very spsed. So I went into the forest in fnt of me. Then I saw the Cheshire cat sitting in the tree, but he didn't ile.

I said something strange Strange things, I asked him why, he told me that becse the red queen died, so now the king ruled rything, becse the king hated strange things, so he announced a rule, which means that acles can't happen again, becse ryone is normal in faiand, but we don't like it. I feel very sad about this becse people here seem to be very unhappy. I went thugh it The forest found that Matthew, March hare and their mice were not having a crazy tea party.

They were just fwning and dnking tea. All of a sudden, I found that I still had my book in my hand, so a good idea suddenly appeared in my mind, becse I had read this book before, so I knew how to get to the castle. After a minute or o, I went into the castle and found the king sitting by the window, reading a book called "the world beyond the faiand".

So I went straight to him and said, "it seems that you love the world outside the faiand. I'll be the queen. You go to my world.

The king says that's great. Great. I open my book.

The light covers the king. He disappears like oke. I really do I'm very happy, becse now people in faiand can be happy again.

Since then, I have lived a happy life with my strange crazy fend Kush, and the king has nr come back.




It was a cold winter. A farmer found a snake on the gund. It was almost killed by the cold.

The farmer was a kind man. He picked up the snake and put it in his coat. The snake was very good.

I bit the farmer and said, "Oh, my God." the farmer said, "I saved you, but you thank me. You must die." Then he killed the snake and the farmer died.




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