
发布时间:2022-06-19 12:55:07 阅读:493 点赞:0


关于”毕业选择“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Graduation choice。以下是关于毕业选择六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Graduation choice

In recent years, it is very popular to rank majors according to vaous standards. It can be seen fm some educational websites or newspapers that these rankings have a great impact on students. Many students have begun to rely on these rankings to determine their pfessional rankings.

People have different opinions. Some people think that the results of the rankings can high school students to choose their major. For example, some lists tell people what major they will find after graduation, but some of them do I beli that many rankings are useless.

Rankings are just numbers and do not tell you the different nate of this major. In addition, some majors may be listed as popular majors when they enter the University, but as far as I know, they are not popular when they graduate. We should not overemphasize the pfessional ranking.

It should be remembered that rankings play a big le in choosing a major, but it should not be the only cteon. Many factors, including yo own views on the major, are important factors in yo final choice.





My views on pfessional rankings my views on pfessional rankings in recent years can be found in some educational websites or newspapers based on vaous standards. These rankings have a great impact on students. Many students have begun to rely on these rankings to make major choices on this phenomenon.

People have different opinions. Some people think that the ranking results will high school students to choose Choose a major. For example, some people tell people what major they will find a decent job after graduation.

Howr, some people beli that many lists are useless. Rankings are just numbers. They do not tell you the different nate of this major.

In addition, some majors may be listed as a less popular major when they enter the University, but in my opinion, they are not popular when they graduate, so we should not overemphasize the pfessional ranking. It should be recoized that ranking plays an important le in choosing a major, but it should not be the only cteon. Many factors, including yo own views on the major, are crucial to yo final choice.




When we talk about the choice of University, the first thing we think about is what yo parents can do for you after you graduate fm the university you choose, so this kind of question usually makes us very bong, but the realistic pblem is that the school we choose will not be o first choice in my opinion. It is important to choose a favote than one you don't like. What is yo goal to become a university in the fute? For a job or a dream you want to achi, there are so many people who lose their dreams when they give up what they are chasing, and you won't regret it.




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