
发布时间:2022-07-10 09:58:10 阅读:289 点赞:0




Police officer dutia, who stayed up all night, left work early and arved home fo hos in advance. In Eminem, he didn't want to wake up his wife. He took off his clothes in the dark, climbed into the bedom, and be to climb into bed.

She sat up sleepily and said, "Mike, honey, can you go to the night? The drugstore on the next block, get me some aspin. I have a terble headache." of cose, honey, "he said, touching acss the om. He dressed himself and walked to the pharmacy.

The pharmacist looked up in spse." Hello, "the pharmacist said," aren't you officer Fenwick fm Distct eight? " "Yes, I am," said the officer, "so what are you doing in the uniform of a fire chief?".




A dll sergeant ordered o young women soldiers to paint a om in the camp, stressing that they should not put any paint on their uniforms to avoid soiling their clothes. The women undressed and locked the doors naked. About an ho later, they heard a knock at the door, "who is it?" One of the blind women asked, "someone said it's no harm to let a blind man in, they opened the door," Wow, something knocked in spse and said, "now where do you want these blinds?".




Benito Mussolini founded the Italian Fascist in, and was appointed Pme Minister of Italy by King Vittoo Emanuel in July. He joined the Second World War of Germany in July. Italy lost the war in July.

Mussolini went to see the king ry Sunday after he came to power. He found Vittoo Emanuel waiting for him at the door Wang was weang a uniform he had not worn in an earlier meeting, and Mussolini felt something was wng. The king confirmed his concern, told him that he would be replaced by Marshal pat Badoglio, and escorted Mussolini to the door.

He said goodbye coldly to him and did not mention that he had sied an arrest warrant.




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