
发布时间:2022-03-22 10:45:36 阅读:136 点赞:0




Rose Rose, a kind of red se, is a deciduous shrub of Rosaceae in Rosaceae. Its stem has thorns, pple flowers, white, se and se shapes. It is generally used as food raw mateals such as preserves, pastes, petals and so on.

It is used as medicinal ot. The stem of upght shrub of pple se is used for medicine. The number of stem spines is single leaf and feather is alternate.

The leaflet is connected to petiole by centimeter. It is oval or oval in shape It is und, cm long, cm wide, ouse or acute , with und or wedge-shaped base, sharp serrated edge, glabus above, dark green, depressed vein, wnkled, with soft glands and hair below. Petiole is villous axis, sparsely all stems and spines.

Stipules are mostly attached to petioles, and there is a regular thorn at the base edge of petiole gland to form a flower in fnt of petiole It gws in the raw single flower or flower axillary, the bract is ovate, the edge has the glandular hair, the pedicel millimeter long hair is dense and has the glandular hair, the flower diameter is centimeter, has the soft sparse hair, under has the tight glandular hair and the soft hair, the Colla is bght, pple, the pedicel gland body fragrance, has the se fruit flat sphecal, when cooked red, most has the achene, the sepal retention place.




Mr. Johnson had nr been on a plane before. He had read many books about air crash.

So one day, when a fend offered to take him for a de in his own all plane, Mr. Johnson was very wored about whether he could accept it. Howr, his fend convinced him that the plane was very safe and Mr.

Johnson boarded the plane. His fend started the engine and started taxiing to the runway at the airport. Mr.

Johnson heard that the most dangeus part of the flight was take-off and landing, so he was very afraid. He closed his eyes. After a minute or o, he opened his eyes again, looked out of the window, and said to his fend, "look at the people below.

They look like ants, don't they?" "Those are ants," his fend replied. "We're still on the gund.".





"No, you can't css that, honey, the ad on the other side of the hedge is too dangeus," the hedgehog said to her fo children, Harry Heidi Hilda and Horace. It was a warm afternoon, and the heat made Mrs. hedgehog very tired, so she cled up and fell asleep soon.

Hilda and Horace sat there not feeling sleepy, but just sat there wondeng what they could do next. Hilda winked at her her with a bght eye and whispered that her mother was asleep. Now let's take a look.

Two nghty little hedgehogs were soon in the ditch by the side of the ad. My children's voice, I beli she was talking to herself, scrying acss the hedge, she saw Horace and Hilda squatting in it, the ditch and a white hound stang at them and gwling. Soon she cled herself up into a pckly ball and lled down the bank and ran towards the terer.

It was a fierce enemy. He screamed and put a needle into my soft little nose. He ran after him.

When rything was quiet, mother hedgehog stretched out. We were safe. She cheered.

Then she yelled at her o nghty children. Little Horace and Hilda ced bitterly for mom's forgiveness. They sobbed.

We're sorry we were so nghty Mrs. hedgehog forgives her o bad children and takes them home for tea.





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