
发布时间:2022-06-04 08:19:40 阅读:402 点赞:0




Three passions, but overwhelmingly stng, dominate my life: the longing for love, the psuit of knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffeng of . These passions, like the wind, have blown me hither and thither, as the deep sea of pain, to the verge of my despair, to seek love, first, bee it bught etasy - etasy so stng that I would sacfice the rest of my life for the hos of joy I sought, and secondly, bee it relid loneliness, in that terble loneliness, a shiveng one Consciousness looks fm the edge of the world to the cold, lifeless abyss, and I look for it. Finally, bee in the union of love, I see a mysteous miniate, the harbinger of heaven imagined by saints and poets.

This is what I psue. Although it seems too good for human life, this is what I finally found. I seek knowledge with the same passion I want to know people's hearts.

I have ted to understand Pythagoras' power. Numbers dominate all influenza. But not much.

I have acquired love and knowledge, and lead me to heaven as far as possible, but pity always bngs me back to earth. The cry of pain echoes in my heart, gry children, victims torted by oppressors, less The old man is a bden that their sons hate. The whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain mocks my desire to lessen the evils of human life, but I can't, and I also ende, this is my life.

I find it worth living, and I'd love to live again if I have the chance.




Henry David Thore, no matter how mean yo life is, face it, live it, don't run away fm it and give it a bad name. It's not as bad as you are now. When you are the chest, the picky will find flts in heaven.

Love yo life, although poor, you may have some happy, exciting, gloous time, n in the poorhouse, the sun reflected fm the windows of the workhouse is as bght as that fm the windows of the ch. In the early spng, the snow melts in fnt of the door. I can't see it, but a quiet person may live there as contentedly and happily as in a palace.

In my opinion, the poor people in the town tend to live the most independent lives. In any case, they are great and can be accepted without hesitation. Most people think that they are above the support of the town, but they often feed themselves dishonestly, which should be disgraceful.

Cultivate poverty like the herbs in the garden, like saints, do not worry about getting new things, whether clothes or fends, get old and come back to them. Things don't change. Let's change clothes and keep yo mind.







I have a lot of fends, but one of them is better than anyone else. I have known him since school. We have lived together for than ten years.

She is a kind-hearted person. He is always art and active. He knows the world almost like the palm of his hand.

Sometimes he looks young and handsome. Sometimes he looks old and tired. He always wants to tell me anything.

He is not only a good fend, but also a good fend A good teacher. Although I have lived with him for a long time, when I ask him questions, I nr hear his voice. He just tells me the answer fm his face.

He is also the best fend of millions of people. You want to know his name. His name is "book".




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