
发布时间:2022-07-31 12:11:09 阅读:361 点赞:0




It is very important for us to continue learning English in University, which has a great impact on o fute and career. The pblem I am facing is that I can't communicate with others fluently in English, but I am trying to overcome this pblem becse I have participated in English corner to impve my spoken English. In addition, I try to listen to spoken English on the radio before I go to bed.

I use the Internet to impve my English learning ability.




Everyone needs love. One day I saw some dogs in the corner of a cold street. They saw people walking.

They ced, but no one noticed them. They felt cold and sad in the rain and snow. I thought, who can them now? They can give them a warm home.

Many people regard them as tuble. More and people thw them into a corner of the street They feel cold, gry, indifferent to the world until they die, but some people beat them when they die, and n some people want to put them in the water, beat them, play with them over time, but many dogs are dead, some people ptect dogs as usual, they give them food and warm clothes, they take care of them, sometimes n some people put them in the water They love them as children, but the people who beat dogs are painful than those who love them. Why can't we get their love like these people? We can give them a hand to them and love them.

Although there is only a piece of delicious and warm clothes, all these can give them love, make them feel a little warm, let them know that people are also very good, and dogs are os Fends, they often make us happy and excited, etc. I ge to ptect dogs, give them safe places, good food and warm clothes, ryone's life is precious, ryone needs love.




My mother, ryone has a good mother. Where's my mom? She is short but stng. She has long cly hair, o big eyes and a all nose.

She makes delicious food for me ry day. I always her with the housework. When I'm sad, she always says to me, "you're such a good kid." she always says, "don't be sad, kid, you'll be better soon." for me, after listening to her, I'm glad she's really a good mother.

How about yo mother.




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