
发布时间:2022-08-08 12:32:14 阅读:551 点赞:0


关于”介绍小区环境“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduce the community envinment。以下是关于介绍小区环境四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce the community envinment

At about 9:4 last night, a fire bke out in an office building in o community. Many firefighters and fire engines came at the beginning. We saw the oke fm the sixth floor, heard the explosion of gas tanks and the noise of bken windows.

Soon the fire spread to the upper floors one by one, and finally reached the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and bck walls collapsed due to high temperate A lot of people like me stood outside on the street, watching the fire in horr becse we heard the sirens and the gas explosion.




As we all know, honesty is the best policy. It goes without saying that we can't understand why he is so cruel to his ommates. The pblem is not who will go, but the cartoon / picte / chart / table shows / demonstrates / illustrates / depicts / descbes who will be stayas.

There are many reasons why I want to study in yo school. It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds are spent on cigarettes ry year in China, which is a huge waste. When men enjoy cigarettes, no matter what the reason, cigarettes will become a monster to devo him.

Students still have some pblems in using comrs. Tell us how to learn English better thugh these meases. We can hope to solve this pblem and spread it all over the world The pblem is not just isolated all areas of volcanic activity known to geologists.

We should take some meases to solve this pblem. It is said that he has accomplished many great achiments. Beli (some beli) do you remember the boy who called the wolf sral times to make people distrust him? Recently, many countes are facing this pblem.

Recently, this pblem has sed people's attention. Recently, this phenomenon has become a hot topic. This pblem has sed great concern in today's society.

More and people begin to pay attention to the view that has nr been so popular in o history. Many people think that according to a recent svey, with the rapid dlopment of the above-mentioned discussions, the issue has become a hot topic We can draw a conclusion that it is time to take stct meases to stop it, and it is necessary to take meases. In conclusion, there is no easy and easy way to solve the above pblems, but it may be ful to solve the above pblems.

We must sum up that if we continue to iore the above pblems, with the efforts of all parties concerned, pblems will emerge and the pblems will be solved At the end of the day, what we can do is not only to find out the cses, but also to take action to take all these factors into account, whether they are good or bad / positive or negative, one thing is positive / clear.





My son Joey was born with deformed feet. The doctor assed us that after treatment, he could walk normally, but nr run well. When he was eight, he had sgery, plaster and braces for the first three years of his life, and when you see him walking, you don't know what's wng with him.

The children in o community ran nd like most children when they were playing. Joey would jump in, run nd and play. We nr told him that he might not run as well as other children.

So he didn't know that in the snth grade, he decided to join the css-country team ry day. He trained with other players, and he worked harder and ran better than others There are people - maybe he feels that many people are born with this ability. Although the whole team is running, he is not born.

Only the top sn runners are likely to score for the school. We didn't tell him that he might nr make the team, so he didn't know he continued to run fo or five miles a day, and n on the day he had a high fr, I was wored, so I went to him after school, and I found him running alone, and I asked him how he felt, "well," he said he had o miles to go - sweat streaming down his face and his eyes were changed by the fr It was dull, but he kept looking forward and kept running. We nr told him he had a high fr and couldn't run fo miles, so he didn't know that o weeks later, the name of the team member was Joey, who was sixth on Joey's list.

He was in snth grade, and the other six players were eighth grade students. We nr told him he shouldn't join us. We nr told him he couldn't do it.

We nr told him he couldn't do it Tell him he can't, he doesn't know he just did it.





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