
发布时间:2022-04-06 10:13:16 阅读:101 点赞:0




The RAF is a multinational force, and Czechs, poles, and Amecans add their skills to Btish pilots. Unfortunately, ordinary people don't realize that. One day, a pilot was forced to jump off a fighter plane over London and parachute into a cwded street.

He was injed and chattered in some forei languages Those who gathered aund him thought he was German, and when they attacked civilian targets in London, they killed him. They knew he was polish and a member of the RAF, but it was too late.




Last November, Sir Benjamin, Btish ambassador to the impeal cot of Australia in Vienna Bachst ed rebuild the alliance beeen Btain and Austa against Napoleon when he retned to England by coach. After dinner, he had dinner at an inn in the town of perleberg in Prussia. He and his assistants retned to their waiting carage.

Bathst went forward to examine the horses, examined the animals on the left, and appached to examine the other side Soon after, he disappeared and nr saw Bathst again. Napoleon denied that Bathst had been kidnapped by his agents.


去年xx月,英国驻维也纳澳大利亚帝国宫廷使节杰明·巴瑟斯特爵士(sir benjamin bathst)乘长途汽车返回英国时,帮助重建了英国和奥地利之间对抗联盟,吃完饭后,他在普鲁士佩尔贝格镇(perleberg)一家客栈吃了晚饭,他和他助手们回到他们等候马车上,巴瑟斯特走上前去马匹,了左边动物,他走近去另一边马,很快他就消失了,再也见不到巴瑟斯特了,否认了巴瑟斯特被他特工绑架指控。


The Indian army serving in Btain resisted Btish rule, and the rebellion spread thughout northern India, and the Btish garson in Lucknow was sunded. Dung the siege, the garson must be absolutely vigilant in case they relax their attack on the Btish soldier Metcalfe. He found that pastor Hars's dog, named Buster, was very useful.

He would accompany Metcalfe at night. If he was dwsy, the dog would bite his pants and shake his pants vigously until he woke up. Both buster and Metcalfe were besieged And svived.

Metcalfe stayed in India for another o years, and then retned to aldeshott, where he saw a dog running towards him one day. It was bustling and he recoized Metcalf immediately.




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