
发布时间:2022-10-09 06:43:31 阅读:732 点赞:0


关于”我最喜欢昆虫“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My favote insect。以下是关于我最喜欢昆虫初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote insect

If I were a bird, if I were a bird, I would not have to do my homework ry day, and I would not have to face the huge presse of exams. If I were a bird, I would be free to fly in the sky and enjoy the sun and breeze. If I were a bird, I would eat all the insects and make good fends with human beings.




Buffaloes, dolphins, polar bears, rabbits, bats, elephants, giraffe, hedgehog, sheep, skunk, zebra skunk are known for their oddball spray, but they do not love to spray people. If it does not need it, it is actually afraid of animal animal larger than itself. Only when it is not happy, can it spray the skunk to farmers eat dents that aw at cps in the United States.

China, Mexico, parts of Central Ameca and southern Canada, I can live almost anywhere that's not too cold, but my favote place where the forest is lush. I built my home in a cave, or a cave, where there is a hole in the gund with leaves on it. I can also take refuge in trees.

I have a long body, a narw head, a lot of f and one Big, hairy tail. I'm always black with white stpes or spots. My body is only a foot long (about centimeters, but my bushy tail may make me look bigger.

I usually weigh only or a pound (about a kilogram. I eat plants, insects, birds' eggs and all animals, such as mice. I like to eat wild honey and bees.

I stand on my fnt feet and do handstands to warn my enemies that if they are too close, I may spray them with stench, and so do I Can ar or scream. People sometimes think I like to make tuble, but I'm actually peaceful and shy. I only come out of my cave at night looking for food,.




I started to go to school according to the law at sn o'clock. In a remote village, there was a shortage of funds. There were only a few classoms in the school.

Needless to say, o teachers were very few. When I was a child, I preferred the playgund to the classom. I often played tcks on girls becse once I hid insects in the desk drawer and n made faces behind the teacher.

The whole class bst into lghter. Howr, he didn't get angry. He just asked us why we lghed.

He didn't know what was wng with him http://wwwadreepcn/dxyy/html LCL.




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