
发布时间:2022-06-04 15:13:06 阅读:143 点赞:0




Ptect me, O God, for my heart trusts in you, who said to the Lord, "you are my Lord.". My grace is not to you, but to the saints of the earth and to the most exalted in my favor. Their sorws will multiply, and they will hasten to seek the blood offengs of other gods; I will not offer them or receive them; I will wte their names in my mouth; the Lord is the portion of my inhetance, and you are the portion of my cup.

I have a wonderful industry. I will praise the Lord, who gives me counsel. My heart always instructs me before me in the night, for he is on my ght hand, and my hand will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory is glad. My flesh will rest in hope, for you will not leave my soul in hell, nor will yo holy one see corruption. Show me the way of my life before you.

Yo ght hand is full of joy. This is eternal joy.







My fragile trease (excerpt) Antoine de Saint (Saint exuperyas) fell asleep, I held him in my arms and walked again. I felt that I had a very fragile trease. Even in the moonlight, I looked at his pale face.

There was nothing fragile in the world than his forehead, his closed eyes, his hair shaking in the wind, and I said to myself, "what I see here is only a shell, important It's invisible. " Li's lips opened slightly, and with a half ile of dou, I said to myself, "what makes this little pnce sleeping here so touching? Is his loyalty to a flower the image of a se? Even when he was asleep, the image of se shone on him like a flame of a lamp, and though I felt that he was vulnerable, I felt the need to ptect him, as if he were a flame that could be extinguished by a gust of wind (fm little pon).


我脆弱宝藏(节选)小王子安托万·德圣埃克斯佩里亚斯(Antoine de SaintExuperyAs)睡着了,我把他抱在怀里,又走了起来,我觉得我带着一个非常脆弱宝藏,甚至在月光下,我看着他苍白脸,世界上再没有比这更脆弱东西了额头,他闭着眼睛,他在风中颤抖头发,我对自己说:“我在这里看到只是一个贝壳,更重要是看不见。”李ǔ嘴唇微微张开,带着怀疑半笑,我又对自己说,“是什么让这个睡在这里小王子如此感人,他对一朵花忠诚是玫瑰形象吗?即使在他睡着时候,玫瑰形象也像一盏灯火焰一样照耀着他,尽管我觉得他更加脆弱,我还是觉得有必要保护他,就好像他自己是一束可能被一阵风(从小普里恩吹来)熄灭火焰一样。


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