
发布时间:2022-06-12 15:58:41 阅读:405 点赞:0




For this reason, we could not thinking that it was good to stay in Athens. We sent Timothy, o bther and God's servant, and o companions in the gospel of Chst, to strenen you and comfort you, so that you may beli that no one will be moved by these tbulations, for you know that we are sent, becse we told you when we were with you We will suffer tuble until it comes, and you will know it. Then I could no longer resist sending to know yo faith, so that the tempter's temptations would not lead to o labor in vain.

But now Timothy has come fm you and has given us good news. Bthers, in all o tubles and tbulations, becse of yo faith and yo lovingkindness, and becse you remember us, we have always longed for us, just as we also wanted to see you. Therefore, bthers and sisters, we are comforted in you by yo faith in all yo tbulations and tbulations, becse of yo faith, if you stand firm in the Lord, we will live, becse of all the joy that we delight in, can we thank God again? In the presence of o God, you pray day and night earnestly, so that we may see yo faces and make yo faith insufficient To be completed.

Now God himself, and o father, and o Lord Jesus Chst, have led us to you, that you may love one another, love one another, and be full of love, as we have done to you. In the end, he will sanctify yo hearts before God and o father when o Lord Jesus Chst and all his saints come.





In my restless dream, I saw that all town, silent mountain. You pmised that I would take me there one day, but you nr did well. Now I am alone in o "special place" waiting for you to see me, but you have nr done so, so I wait in the cocoon of pain and loneliness, I know I have done a terble thing to you, you will Nr forgive me for doing it, becse I wish I could change it, but I can't.

I feel miserable and ugly lying here, waiting for you ry day. I stare at the cracks in the ceiling, and all I can think of is how unfair it is. Today the doctor came and told me that I could go home for a while, not that I'm ok, but it could be my last chance, I think you know I mean, I'm happy to be home.

I miss you very much, but I'm afraid James. I'm afraid you don't really want me to go home. Every time you come to see me, I can tell you how sad you are.

I don't know if you hate me or pity me. Maybe I just hate you. I'm sorry, when I first knew I was going to die, I just didn't want to accept it.

I've always been angry with all my loved ones, especially you, James. That's why I understand that if you really hate me, but I want you to know, James, I'll love you forr. Even if o life had to end like this, I still wouldn't trade it for what we used to be Thugh the world of good times together, this letter has been going on for too long.

I'm going to say goodbye. I told the nse to give this to you after I left. It means that when you read this article, I'm dead and I can't let you remember me, but I can't stand you forgetting me.

I'm sorry for what I've done to you, you've given me so much, And I didn't give anything back, so I hope you can live for yoself now and do the best for you, james james you make me happy james james james james james.




Dear Cecilia, I was so excited last night that I don't think I fully appreciate yo Chstmas gift. The wool shawl is lovely and it's the color I choose when winter comes. Now it's really time to put on a warm shawl.

Every time I wear it, I think of you with gratitude and love. Thank you again, and we send you o best wishes, dear you, Lucy.




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