
发布时间:2022-08-18 09:53:29 阅读:265 点赞:0


关于”春天简单“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The simplicity of spng。以下是关于春天简单初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The simplicity of spng

Everyone's business is a nobody's business. There are fo people. Everyone, ryone, ryone has an important job to do.

Everyone is required to do it. Everyone is se that someone will do it. Anyone can do it, but no one does it.

Some people are very angry about this bee it is ryone's job. Everyone thinks that anyone can do it, but no one does it Some people realized that ryone would not. As a result, ryone blames others for not doing what anyone can do.

In spng, the weather is getting longer and warmer, and new leaves are gwing on the trees. Flowers begin to gw, rain makes grass green and s plants gw. Spng is a time of new life.

Nate puts on new clothes. Birds of red, yellow, blue, white and pple build their nests in spng. Many all animals seem to like to plant land in the garden.

Spng is the season for young people to fall in love. According to an old saying, young people's thoughts become love. There are many in a house The man at the mouse house had a cat, and the cat killed many of the oldest mice.

"All the mice have to come into my hole tonight, and we'll find a way to deal with this cat," said miseson All the mice came, and many said something, but no one knew what to do. Finally, a little mouse stood up and said, "we must put a bell on the cat. When the cat comes near, we will hear the bell and run away to hide.

The cat will do this." "No mice," the old mouse asked. "Who will bell the cat?" no mouse answered. He waited, but no one answered.

Finally, he said, "it's not hard to say things, but it's harder to do them." A woodcutter went into the forest and asked the trees to give him an ax handle. It seemed to be such a modest request that the head came at once, and they agreed. So they decided that as long as the woodcutter put the stick on his ppose, he should supply what he needed with ashes.

He be to lie on all sides and make the whole thing too late. He whispered to cedar, "if none of us sacficed us Humble neighbor, the first concession lost rything. We may have stood for a long time.








Good morning, today I am very happy to share my dream with you. My dream is to be a teacher, bee the whole world has its boundaes, restctions and . I don't expect complete .

It's impossible. I just have a dream to support my life. I dream that one day, I can escape fm the deep sea of thick textbooks and use my best Like the novel to live my own life, I freely lie on the green grass, ell the breath of spng, listen to the wind singing, breathe the fresh and cool air, melt my soul into the nate, and finally and short-term enjoyment can bng me great satiaction, that is the real heart to heart communication.




Summer came, the weather was warm and sunny, so we fell in love with all kinds of betiful things, such as vacation in the country, picni and hay parties; spng came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all these things, by the time the summer came, the world was completely different, now it is a green world, green leaves, green The sun ses early and goes to bed late. This is one of the best and bgh months of the year. Birds sing fm sunse to sunset long after night.

When night falls, birds stop singing one after another. After the last few sleepy sounds, they rest their heads under their wings After resting for an ho or o, he be to sleep again, but when the other birds were silent, they would make a soft call. After a while, there was another sound, this time louder, and soon the Nightingale poed out his betiful song.

Not only is the Nightingale singing on ry warm day in early June, and the bwn birds are singing on the ad and in the woods, but bee all the other birds are singing at the same time, we don't notice its voice bee it is at night, when he enjoys the field alone, we hear the Nightingale at his best ① hay [heimeikir] n.; ② hedge [hedn] n.; ③ Nightingale [naitirgeil] n. ; green song poung out personification spng, spng, spng, spng, the sleeping bird singing sleep dream, his voice reminds us that the flowers on the tree are always open, after a while, there is a bigger cry, which is his own most happy time.


夏天来了,天气温暖,阳光明媚,使我们喜欢上了各种各样美好事物,比如在乡下度假、野餐和场聚会;春天来了,她发现大地又冷又光秃秃,但她很快就改变了这一切,到了夏天到来时候,世界已经完全不同了,现在是一个绿世界,绿叶成荫,绿成荫,绿树成荫,花儿遍地开放,白昼长夜短,因为阳光明媚xx月,太阳起得早,睡得晚,这是xx年中最好最明亮月份之一,鸟儿从出一直唱到落后很久,夜幕降临,鸟儿们一个接一个地停止鸣叫,在最后几声昏昏欲睡声音之后,把头放在翅膀下面休息一两个小时,又开始睡觉,但是当其他鸟沉默时,会发出一声轻柔叫声,过了一会儿,又是一声,这一次更大声了,很快夜莺就倾吐出他美妙歌声。不仅夜莺在xx月初每一个温暖子里都在歌唱,棕小鸟在路上和树林里歌唱,而且,由于其他所有鸟也在同一时间歌唱,我们并没有注意到它声音,因为它是在晚上,当他独享田野,我们听到夜莺在他最好时候 ①hay[heimeikiR]n.;②hedge[hedN]n.;③夜莺[naitiRgeil]n. 绿歌声倾泻而出 拟人化春天春天,春天,春天起床,睡鸟唱着睡梦,他声音让我们想起树上花儿总是开着,过了一会儿,又来了一声更大哭声,这都是他自己最开心时候。


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