
发布时间:2022-07-03 08:25:08 阅读:115 点赞:0




In an increasingly tense job , both employers and job seekers attach great importance to interview. It can be said that interview has become an indispensable aspect of a satiactory job. The interviewer can use this opportunity to learn about the candidates, such as their work expeence, education ll and personality, so as to select suitable candidates for the company.

On the other hand, the interviewer can take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the job he is going to be engaged in, the reputation of the company he is applying for, and the working conditions and necessary conditions. Job interview is not a terble good start. Excellent performance in half way will let fute employees get the job, but how can we succeed? First of all, the interviewer must pay attention to his appearance.

Although we can nr judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is always the second place for us to start. Politeness is equally important. The interviewer should neither be too pud nor too timid, but be polite.

Third, the interviewer must demonstrate his talents and skills in the job, as well as his knowledge of the job-related fields. Finally, he / she must express his / her views clearly and confidently, but at least, the interviewer should state his / her views honestly. Her personal and academic backgund is the best policy summary for honesty.

Job interview is really important and there is no need to be nervous. Howr, if the interviewee has been fully prepared and given a fairly confident and honest performance, he or she will succeed Work can be guaranteed.





You are my opponent, but you are not my enemy, becse yo resistance gives me stren, you will give me coage, yo spit makes me noble. Although my goal is to defeat you, if I succeed, I will not humiliate you; on the contrary, I will respect you, becse without you, I am a weaker person.




The company is a brand toothpaste manufactung company, which pduces oral hygiene related pducts. The company was founded by Btish businesan William CP. later, he named the company under his own name.

The company's pducts range fm toothbrushes to mouthwashes. The company is now registered in New York and has its own name Since its inception, it has been exporting pducts all over the world. It is one of the largest toothpaste companies in the world.

For decades, it has been a major competitor of another company, Darlie (formerly known as Darkie). The crent CEO of the company is also a Btish born businesan. Ian m cook graduated fm London Metpolitan University in the same year, with than employees and an annual income of US $100 million (in US dollars).

In the fute, the company has great potential to expand its in dloping countes such as China and Afca.


高露洁是一家品牌牙膏制造公司,生产与口腔卫生有关产品,该公司由英国商人·高露洁创建,后来,他以自己名字给公司起名叫高露洁牙膏公司(也就是众所周知高露洁棕榄公司注册名称)产品范围从牙刷到漱口液这家公司目前在纽约注册,自成立之起一直在全球出口产品,是全球最大牙膏公司之一几xx年来,它一直是另一家公司“darlie(以前称为darkie)”主要竞争对手。高露洁现任首席执行官也是一位英国出生商人,ian m cook在高露洁当年毕业于伦敦大都会大学,拥有超过名员工,年收入达亿美元(以美元计)公司未来在和等发展家拓展市场潜力巨大。


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