
发布时间:2022-07-28 12:14:21 阅读:323 点赞:0


关于”勤奋题目“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The topic of diligence。以下是关于勤奋题目高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The topic of diligence

As we all know, we live in a dynamic world full of all kinds of difficulties. When we face difficulties, nothing is important than hope and self-confidence. Sometimes we will find that the pblems are not as big as most of us think.

For example, the college entrance examination has become terble becse of this. Some people give up, some insist on my eyes, and evaluate the difficulties correctly with confidence And fully prepared, try to exert yo stren, and then we will overcome all the pblems and challenges.




Diligence is ryone's responsibility. The life of a lazy man is of no use to himself or to others. People who are lazy to work are usually the most likely to beg or steal.

Every child should learn some useful work when he is young, but it is not enough to just learn some work that he should devote himself to. He should not waste his spare time. "Work while working, playing while playing" is a good rule for young and old people.

The biggest to diligence is the habit of getting up early. Like all other good habits, it is easy to form when you are young. "Time is gone forr".

This means that ryone should be diligent, make good use of their time, and study hard when they are young. Only in this way can we make pgress, succeed and serve o motherland. Therefore, we say that diligence is the mother of success.





My neighbor I have many neighbors, but I like Aunt Huang best. She is in her forties. She is slim, with a und face, medium height, and a pair of glasses on her all nose.

When we are in tuble, she is very fendly and ful. She always s us. She likes traveling and reading books.

She often tells us the places and stoes she has been to. She also likes animals. She has a dog named Dian Dian Dian.

She often walks the dog. She sometimes plays bton with her huand. She is so kind that we all love her very much.




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