
发布时间:2022-07-24 10:20:27 阅读:200 点赞:0




The population of New Zealand is about the descendants of Mao, or a Mao tbe. It can be traced back to the ancestors who cssed the vast Pacific Ocean on the Waka (Waka, canoe) fm whakapapa (genealo). Mao have ch and lively culte, they have long retained the spitual connection with the natal world, and their own special "MIHI" (greetings) By means of inhetance, he intduced mnga, hill "A" and "Khatib" in the Mao family of michigam The Mao of that (tipuna, an important ancestor) have a unique dance, known as the "Haka" (this dance oginated fm the ancient abogines) Mao Samai dance station.

The specific methods of dancing for men and women are different. The New Zealand national rugby team always displays about a quarter of the New Zealand Mao "diray" who inspires the morale Te REO Mao is the official language of Mao language in New Zealand. It is a language of Polynesia (other similar languages in Oceania), such as Hawaiian language and Tahiti language.

It is the official language of Mao language in New Zealand. It is composed of vaous arts and cultes of Mao people in New Zealand In Mao and Eupean Mao, the qualities of Asians and Australians reflect the most valuable paintings in New Zealand's art world. Some of them are Colin, a Mao man who was painted by the first Charles Goldie in the 19th centy Mccahon's works use words, images and Chstian Mao as well as mytholo.

He is considered by many to be the grea artist in New Zealand. In addition to displaying these works in many gallees, there are other artists such as Ralph hotere and Graham Sydney Charles Goldie Colin mccahon Ralph hoteregraham Sydney.


新西兰人口大约是毛利人后裔,或者说属于毛利人一个部落,由Whakapapa(Whakapapa,族谱)可以追溯到骑着waka(waka,独木舟)横渡浩瀚太平洋祖先毛利人有着丰富而活泼文化,他们长期保留着与自然世界精神联系他们自己特殊“米奇”(mihi,问候语)通过继承方式把自己在米奇甘姆毛利人家族中推出了“曼加”(mnga,Hill“Ava”(阿瓦,河“Mray”(玛拉,马拉河,大厅“waka”,“Yin”(伊维族,部落)和“Khatib that”(提普纳,重要祖先)毛利人有着独特舞蹈,被称为“哈卡”(haka,这种舞蹈源于古代土著人)毛利武士舞蹈站,男女舞蹈具体方法各不相同,新西兰国家橄榄球队在每次开赛时,这个舞蹈团总是表现出鼓舞士气大约四分之一新西兰毛利人“迪雷奥毛利语”(Te reo Mao)使用这种语言大约有不到半年历史,这是波利尼西亚(大洋洲其他类似语言)一种语言,如夏威夷语和塔希提语等具有独特诗歌和音乐感新西兰毛利语是新西兰毛利语语言,它是由各种各样新西兰毛利人艺术和文化组成,融合了毛利语、欧式毛利语,人和大洋洲人素质体现了新西兰艺术界最具价值绘画作品,有些是由第一位海查理斯(Charles Goldie)在十九世纪通过绘画肖像画毛利人洪克林米卡(Colin McCahon)作品使用文字,图像和教毛利语以及神话,他被许多人认为是新西兰最伟大艺术家除了在许多画廊展出这些作品外,还有其他艺术家,如莱尔·傅·哈特利(Ralph Hotere)和葛雷穆希尼(Grahame Sydney Charles GoldieColin McCahonRalph HotereGrahame Sydney)。


In Btain, ryone enjoys of religion. Therefore, all kinds of religious beliefs floush in the central part of England. There are o "official" chches in England: the Anglican Chch (Anglican Chch) and the Scottish Chch (Preytean Chch).

All kinds of religions and numeus sects can find their own representatives in Btain. The majoty of the residents beli in Pant Chstianity, mainly the Anglican Chch (also known as the Anglican Chch, whose members account for about half of the s in England) and the Scottish Chch (also known as the Preytean Chch. Some s also have Catholic chches and larger religious gups, such as Islam, Hindui, Sikhi, Judai and Buddhi.

In fact, there is no official language named after Btain Besides England, there are other official languages, such as Welsh in northern Wales and Gaelic in the northwest highlands. In some parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland, immigrants fm all over the world can also speak their mother tongue, such as Bangladesh, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. Btain is the country with the largest number of Hindi speakers outside India/ /picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




Smoking is harmful. It is said that about half of the people in China oke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of oking.

Although they are middle school students, SHTTP / / is a fashion. Some people think it is very interesting. Others think that oking can refresh people's spits.

Smoking can lead to many diseases. Many people always cough becse of oking. The most seous disease is lung cancer.

Smoking is also a waste of money Smokers in the heart may cse dangeus fires. In order to keep healthy, we should get d of the bad habit of oking. Please stop oking immediately.




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