
发布时间:2022-10-08 14:22:59 阅读:161 点赞:0


关于”及“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Notice and。以下是关于及高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Notice and

>>Obviously, the performance of IT this year continues to reflect a healthy trend. All businesses of IT in the Indian have made steady dlopment. Fm the table, we can clearly see that the gwth rate of IT' net pfit has been far higher than the average ll, and the average cost of this year is lower than last year.

Consideng the net income and pre tax pfit bught by the crent dlopment, we compare with each other As one of the emerging multinational enterpses in India, we will play a lasting le in India.




Thank you, sir, for yo letter of March and the enclosed order. We have taken immediate notice of all the specifications in yo order and are pleased to see o cooperation fther strenened. We enclose o sales confirmation in duplicate and retn a copy of yo official siate.

In addition, we remind you to open the L / C in o favor in time so that we can arrange pduction and shipment as soon as possible. We will try o best to keep the good quality of o pducts. We will try o best to meet yo special requirements.

If you are satiied with the execution of the order, we sincerely hope you can place an order with us as soon as possible. We confirm receipt of yo letter of March and the attached sales confirmation. Thank you for yo timely compliance and in accordance with yo instructions, we are sending you a copy of o order We have opened a letter of credit thugh the Bank of China.

We hope that this cooperation will fther dlop o mutually beneficial partnership. We sincerely welcome you, Mr. 3dear of Dell company.

We have received yo letter of March and attached a sales confirmation. Please note immediately. We are sending you a copy of o sied sales confirmation and a letter of credit in yo favor.

We hope you will execute this order as soon as possible. When the goods are ready for shipment, please fax us the shipping advice so that we can arrange the insance. You can rest assed that if yo execution is satiactory, we will place larger orders.






How to reduce the losses csed by the earthquake, first of all, you should have a wide range of earthquake prediction knowledge. Don't try to rely on others to give you a pfessional family like Geng Qingguo and Chen Yiwen and some folk experts. Second, if you can predict the earthquake and make yoself aware of yo own prntion efforts, don't try to inform the outside world to prnt the interruption of social support When an earthquake occs, don't panic.

You should remember the escape skills that you have ed before. You should choose the best self- method according to the crent situation. You should pay special attention here.

If conditions permit, try to go to the tower of the city, county and town, and the direction of the government office There is a big square in the building. The government is building a solid building that will not collapse. You should pay attention to leaving kindergartens, pmary schools, middle schools and other high-sk places.

Of cose, if yo school is liuhan hope pmary school, you can be like the cose that the earthquake did not happen to you.




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