
发布时间:2022-06-04 14:55:47 阅读:249 点赞:0


关于”科技“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:science and technolo。以下是关于科技考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:science and technolo

In the past, it was not uncommon for a person to die when he was 40 years old, but now we think that the life span of 40 years old is very short. It is not uncommon for people to live to 89 years old. Some people n live to a higher ll.

People live a long life. Healthy life and active golden years are mainly due to the pgress of science and technolo. Medical breakthughs have eliminated many once common fatal diseases Perhaps importantly, better overall health means that people are less likely to be infected in the first place.

Better health also s people to prnt slowly weakening diseases, such as heart disease, which can take lives at a very young age. With the pgress of civilization, o living envinment and food soces have become hygienic. Moreover, the work is safer now, and the bden on human body is not so big.

After only a few years of very hard work, we will not be exhsted. There are many reasons why people live longer than r before, but importantly, with the extension of life, their life is getting better and better. In my opinion, we can make this pgress only with the dlopment of science and technolo.





In recent years, the pblem of the Internet has sed people's attention. The Internet plays an increasingly important le in o daily life. It bngs us a lot of benefits, but it also bngs some seous pblems.

Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a pblem we have to face. It is generally belid that with the dlopment of science and technolo, and people beli it, and many people seem to beli that.





The dlopment of science and technolo seems to make the distance beeen people and big. How can we show the desire to be closer to people? The answer is that ile can dissolve indifference and send out warmth. Smile is an international language.

Even if you don't speak this language when you go abad, ile will take you a long way. Try to ile often, and you will get unexpected retns.




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