
发布时间:2022-08-25 06:34:12 阅读:552 点赞:0


关于”如何提升水平“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to impve the ll。以下是关于如何提升水平初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to impve the ll

We had a wonderful time together. The Spng Festival is coming, which is the most important day for family reunion. These annoying mosquitoes seemed not afraid of the mosquito incense I bned, so I had to hang a mosquito net.

Lying in the net reading a favote magazine, and those annoying insects are very interesting. Outside the lobster school, I watched lessly at my bety cheating in exams. It's cold and hot, sunny, cloudy, rainy, rainy, dzzle, sleet, hail, rainbow, north wind, southwest, Southeast, northwest, M arch, Sunday, Sunday, sunny, cloudy, cloudy and sunny.





We learn spoken English for oral communication, so the order of importance of oral English learning should be: Fluency, accacy and Apppateness. We should pay attention to the actual communicative ability, not just the correctness of grammar. Try to find some partners to practice oral English.

English corner is a very good place, where we can exchange English learning expeence, baden o hozons and impve o interest in English learning. Oental school holds English corner in Haizhu fm Wednesday ning to afternoon. There is no classom.

A teacher of o department will be the host of the English corner. Welcome all fends who love English Learning: if you can't find English partner or have little chance to participate in English Then we have to an English envinment oselves by speaking English to oselves, for example, you can talk to yoself about what you see or what you do. This method is very effective, and it is easy to insist on reading Chinese and English novels or books.

First of all, we read the Chinese part and try to translate it into English sentence by sentence. After reading a short paragraph, we compare o interpretation with the oginal text in novels or books, so as to find out the mistakes, deficiencies and pgress in o translation.





How to impve English now, many Chinese are trying to impve their English for the Olympic Games, they all want to show their best ll to people fm other countes. How can we impve o English? They have many ways to impve o English, such as talking with Btish people, reading English books and magazines, watching English TV. All these are good ideas.

But in my opinion, the most useful way is to talk with foreiers, becse we can practice o spoken English and listening with them face to face, and we can correct me immediately If you want to impve yo English, you can make fends with foreiers and let them talk to you in English to you impve yo English.




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