
发布时间:2022-07-24 09:08:38 阅读:702 点赞:0


关于”学术讲座邀请函“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Invitation letter for academic lectes。以下是关于学术讲座邀请函高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invitation letter for academic lectes

Thanks for asking. I hope I can attend yo annual meeting, but I can't, becse I plan to lecte at Peking University this year. I'm afraid the workload is too heavy and I can't have time to prepare lectes for you.

I hope to attend yo annual meeting next year.




Dear Dr. Huffman, it is a great honor for me to wte to you. I am Li Hua, the orizer of the world economic forum.

I hope to invite you to participate in o forum fm Apl to Apl. The world economic forum is based on the issues in the field of world economic research and discussion, and pmotes international economic cooperation and exchange for pvate international institutions headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland Pfessor Kls Schwab of the University of Geneva founded the "Eopean Mament Forum" which was changed fm "Eopean Forum" to "World Economic Forum". The members of the forum are all in order to comply with the ppose of "impving the global situation" of the forum, and influence the fute economic dlopment of many top enterpses in the world.

If you want to become a member company of the United States, you can also enjoy the corresponding ghts, including 1 At the end of this month, he attended the annual meeting of the world economic forum in Davos ding the annual meeting in Switzerland. Leaders of the forum and celebties fm the global political, economic and artistic circles commented on the common challenges facing the world, exchanged views, guided the focus of global public opinion, and pvided decision- reference for global leaders. I look forward to yo reply to Li Hua.




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It is very dangeus for us to do so. More importantly, looking aund will make it safer for us to css the ad. That's all.

Thank you.




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