关于”学习新技能“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Learning new skills。以下是关于学习新技能雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Learning new skills
It is generally belid that modern science and technolo have made great changes in o society. In recent decades, human beings have made remarkable pgress in knowledge and technolo. Now and people begin to beli that learning new skills and knowledge will increase their job opportunities.
Or a svey shows that for most people, many elderly people express their williness to continue to go to university Or university's stng desire to read or learn a new skill has become the focus of their lives, and also the soce of their happiness and satiaction after retirement. For those who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful lifestyle, as an old saying goes, it's important to find time to learn something new: it's nr too late to learn there is a general debate on the phenomenon of part-time jobs among college students or high school students on campus today students can not only impve their studies, but also gain by engaging in major related part-time jobs Although people's lives have changed greatly in the past decades, it must be admitted that the shortage of funds is still one of the biggest pblems faced by students today due to the soang tuition fees and book pces. Therefore, the extra income fm part-time jobs will stngly support students to continue their study life .
Nowadays, and people begin to complain that work is tense and less leisely than in the past. Many experts pointed out that with the dlopment of modern society, this is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it.
人们普遍认为,现代科学技术使我们社会发生了巨大变化,近几xx年来人类在知识和技术方面取得了非凡进步,现在越来越多人开始相信学习新技能和知识有助于增加他们工作机会,或者一项调查显示,对于大多数人来说,许多老年人表达了继续上大学或大学强烈愿望,阅读或学习一项新技能已成为他们生活焦点,也是他们退休后快乐和满足源泉。对于那些想要采取健康和有意义生活方式人来说,正如一句老话所说,找时间学习某些新知识是很重要:学习永远不嫌晚 今天校园里有一场关于大学生或高中生兼职现象普遍争论 通过从事主要相关兼职工作,学生不仅可以提高学业,但是,获得更多经验,他们将永远无法从教科书中获得经验 尽管人们生活在过去几xx年里发生了巨大变化,但必须承认是,由于学费和图书价格飞涨,资金短缺仍然是当今学生面临最大问题之一因此,从兼职中获得额外收入将有力地支持学生继续他们学习生活 从兼职工作中,这对学生和他们家庭,甚至整个社会都是有益。现在,越来越多人开始抱怨工作比过去更紧张,更不悠闲。
As we all know, there are and laid-off workers in China, mainly becse of the rapid changes in economic reform, including the old and young, men and women, and n some well-educated graduates. With and laid-off workers, there are many social pblems. Reemployment of migrant workers has become a hot issue of concern in the community First of all, governments at all lls have pposed solutions.
First of all, they should orize retraining pgrams to migrant workers learn new skills and them adapt to social changes. O government should take some necessary meases to employment opportunities for these people. Finally, colleges and universities should reform the cculum to adapt to the economic dlopment, so as to pvide qualified students who meet the needs of the society and solve the reemployment pblem of laid-off workers.
This requires the efforts of the whole society, including the government, the laid-off workers themselves and all those who are willing to . Moreover, laid-off workers, especially those who have received good education, should, before seeking satiactory jobs Loweng standards.
There are many different reasons why people go to College (for example, new expeence, career preparation, knowledge gwth). Why do you think people go to college or go to college with specific reasons and examples to support yo answer? Career preparation is becoming and important for many young people, which is the first reason to go to university. They know that the job in university is very competitive, and they can pvide There are many opportunities for students to learn new skills, which means that they need a lot of labor in the next few years, such as information technolo.
In other words, students go to college to gain new expeence. For most students, going to college is the first time they have to run away fm home alone. This means that they have the opportunity to meet people different fm their hometown.
This is the first time they have to make their own decisions 。 ng these decisions, in addition to seeking self-awareness, has increased their awareness of themselves, and people have gone to universities or colleges to expand their knowledge of subjects of interest to many people, which will be their last chance in a long time to learn about things that are not career related. I suggest that people should not focus too much on a particular career, but should go to university to gain new expeence and understand themselves and the world they live in.